My baby

Our little squish, Rowan David Adams, was born Saturday at 12:32pm after half an hour of pushing 🥰 I had an induction but was a positive experience. Did not take too long for bubba to be here and was able to leave the same day. Couldn't be happier ☺️
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Love a positive induction story 🥰 congratulations xx

@Molly me too 🥰 thank you 💚

@Amina thank you!! xx

Congrats how many weeks were you?

@Anna I was 41+1!

He’s beautiful! Congratulations!! I’m glad you had a positive induction experience 🥰

@Libby thank you so much! 🥺

Congratulations! He’s gorgeous ♥️

@Gabrielle thank you 🥰

Congrats. He's handsome

@Chanelle thank you 😊

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