
How do you know when it’s time to cut naps out ? Any experiences ? Thanks
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My 2 year old stopped napping at around 19 months old, if she naps now she is awake till 10pm 🙄🤣 x

7 weeks ago my girl cut hers out- she was refusing to nap, I was getting stressed trying to make her and then when bedtime came around if she did nap she was horrendous and would scream and scream. I cut naps, she sleeps 6:30- anywhere between 6&7 and actually sleeps through now which she never did before. The great thing is she’s so exhausted by bed time I literally put her in her cot, she rolls over and goes to immediately to sleep. I can’t lie the afternoons are difficult for meltdowns but for us much more positives than negatives 😅

I find as well getting her outside in the afternoons especially a godsend- I really try and tire her out by running around/ going for a decently long walk!

@Danni this is becoming my issue, if he naps and gets up even 1:30/2 he settled after 9/10ish and it’s a fight usually he would be okay sleeping they afternoon times and still sleep normal bedtime but not anymore x

@Marion definitely time to drop that nap now, try keeping him busy during the afternoon and like @Phoebe said he should go out like a light when it gets to bed time. I put my little girl down at half 6 7ish and she sleeps a full 12 hours sometimes more x

@Phoebe this has also been my issue why I’m wondering if it’s time to cut out the times. If he wakes up early 6/7am he sleeps early 11/11:30 and wakes up after afternoon like 1pm and will settle normal bedtime but if he wakes close to 8am everything’s pushed back an hour. Bedtimes have been becoming a fight now the best few days and I’m getting annoyed as I’m really set in routine. Even if I try get him out weather permitted it does the opposite and makes him more awake 🤣 I’m worried for the melt downs. I’m going to trial it and not nap him today; as he would be napping now but he’s currently running and jumping off the couch 🤣 if he’s uncontrollable upset and needs a nap later in the day where I can’t hold Of till bed time then I won’t be cruel and I’ll allow him even a short nap. I’ll trial it and see what works. Usually if he doesn’t nap he’s up and down during the night I suppose that could just be the start of transition I’ll see how it goes and hopefully it will be positive

I would much rather get early night times back then force a 1.5hr nap 🤣

Update: it’s been a disaster so far 🤣 I tired to nap him because he was becoming very annoying 🤣 did did sleep for a while 30 seconds till I put him in bed, he’s got up and playing in his room. I just hope the next 6hrs fly in 🤣

@Marion persevere, honestly the first week or two is the worst and they soon get used to it! Id say we just have normal toddler tantrums now, not so much of that overtired whining if you know what I mean 🤣

@Phoebe I’m trying to just ignore and let him play and keep occupied. What do you do to entertain them for so long ? Apart from going out x

@Marion give him new things to do like drawing or spotting birds out the window open the window give him fresh air wake him up more, keep talking to him too haha make sure he doesn't find a comfy spot to fall asleep, don't need a danger nap 🤣x

@Marion i try and hold mealtimes off for as long as i can (breakfast about 8/8:30, we have our main meal at 1:30 and then tea is at 5:30pm) as i find it makes the day feel shorter! Morning time we just faff about getting ready, we might go to a toddler group, out to do errands, or just have a play at home. Have lunch, and then a play in the garden or out to walk the dog, bath tea and bed. She has some tv time here and there- most of it is between her bath and tea in the afternoon!

Update; he’s fell asleep 😢😢😢😢😢 I’ve tried waking him but he’s not having it now gonna be night of it could actually just fking cry man

@Marion oh no 😩 if mine ever does this, I wake her up and give her a little bit of chocolate- I know it’s naughty but needs must sometimes 😅 the sugar keeps her going a bit longer and she always wakes up for chocolate 🙈🤣

@Phoebe I tried waking him up like physically picking him up and he’s just flopping back. I tried jt a few times and put on his fav cartoons but I just had to leave him as my other kid started fussing. So I sorted her, settled her back to sleep (she’s 6m) and then woke him up. Called my mum cos he loves talking on the phone. He’s up now and only got maybe 30-35mins so I hope it doesn’t upset him going to sleep tonight to much. I didn’t think of chocolate for energy 👀 x

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Update: went to bed normal time even with the nap, kinda put up a fight but we got there. Think I’ll still stick to afternoon nap but cut it shorter 🤣

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