Intrusive thoughts

I am 32 years old and I have always wanted to be a mum. I have always been super maternal and having my own baby has been such a dream of mine. I found out a few weeks ago that I am pregnant and I’m now 8+5. I have had a private scan and saw a heartbeat which is incredible and it’s all I’ve ever wanted. For the first couple of weeks I felt on top of the world. However, why am I now having such bad anxiety and intrusive thoughts?! Why am I not over the moon anymore?! Is this normal?! I keep thinking ‘will I regret this?’ ‘Shit, it’s actually happening’ ‘do I want a baby?’ ‘Am I ready?’ ‘Omg what have I done?!’ ‘Am I going to feel like this for 9 months’. I am well aware that I am so lucky to be able to carry and conceive naturally and cause of this I feel so guilty for feeling like this. Any one else feel or felt the same? Please tell me it passes?!
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Completely normal!!! I think we all feel absolutely over the moon that our bodies are capable of such as I feel deep down it’s always a worry, but it definitely is crippled by the what if questions in our head! I think the influx of all the hormones causes us to go haywire! I think I finally eased up around 13-16 weeks, the 12w scan definitely makes it more real and then I’m like wow am I doing this! But I’m now nearly 20w and I feel better than ever xx

Its normal. I'm expecting my second but I had such awful morning sickness from around 7-19 weeks that I really struggled to bond with this baby as I just felt shit most of the time. We really wanted both children but it is a big change. Last time I had all the worries you had, this time I'm worried about how my son will react to having a baby around, will my labour be as bad as the first time. I think being a mum brings a whole host of worries, it's natural

Totally normal. I've got 3 and I've felt like that with all 3 😅 it's a big life change. We have to change so much about our day to day life but I promise it becomes the new normal and you wonder what on earth you ever actually did with all your spare time before they were born!

Took me over a year to conceive my second, wanted nothing more. Now I'm 11 weeks and keep thinking about how rough it was first time round. All normal. Sometimes I just cry and cry at absolutely nothing. I found all this got easier in second trimester ❤️

Normal. Baby 4, you'd think I'd be used to it by now, but still panicking again 😅

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