There is a number for Call the Midwife, it’s a 24 hour line 01634 825277. Give them a call and they may arrange an early/emergency scan for you. I had spotting and cramping at 7 weeks and it was implantation but always get checked if you’re worried, they are so helpful there. Good luck xx
I had a bleed at 7 weeks, I went to a&e but if you’ve been allocated a midwife, give them a ring and they can make the referral really quickly x
[Name] Medway EPAC department [Mobile] 01634 976229
Give the EPAC a call. I was given this number after a confirmed MC and told if I fall pregnant again and am worried to call them, but this was in 2022 xx
Thankyou all for your advice ❤️ I have a scan for tommorow 🤞
Yeah but your gp needs to refer you, so call them and ask them.
You can go via your gp and they will refer you