What to do once baby is here…

I’m due to have a baby in a couple months and just want to be prepared and know what things I need to do when she’s born. So far I have register her birth, register her with the local GP, add to UC claim, claim child benefits. Is there anything I’m missing that I need to do once she’s born ?? Any help on how to add them to the claim would also be much appreciated
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Ooh some of these I hadn't even thought about! Xxx

@Louise there’s so much to do with having a new baby it can get so confusing and it’s easy to forget things

Get them a dentist registration? I still need to get one for myself that isn't an hour away lol

Id suggest a dentist registration too as it can take a while to find one and be accepted but I think that's the main list of things needed to be done

@Louise thank you, I’ll add this on to my list.

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