My cousins wife birthed two back to back babies vaginally 😄 she just said her back ached xx
On my appt when I was 38+4 my bubs was also back to back, I spent a lot of time on the birthing ball and on all fours with pillows/ball whilst watching telly and when I went for a sweep at 40+4 he has now turned much to my surprise haha! Try not to get disheartened too much just think it’ll give you a little extra time to get him to turn plus things can change really quickly! This second sweep may just be what you need to get things moving xx
I laboured my baby back to back, although it wasn’t picked up on any assessments 😅 She turned as she was coming out and ended up being born sideways 🙈 Not gonna lie it wasn’t fun as all the pain was in my back but a hot compress really helped! I was only pushing about 30 minutes x
Haven’t any advice but in exactly the same position. Feeling a bit nervous about it but I’ve read that 75% of babies turn once in active labour so I’m trying to cling onto that!x