driving as a new mom

okay. so this might not be the place to ask but because my husband is enlisting soon i have to be the one taking care of everything driving related. i only have a permit atm so yestday i had my first of 2 driving classes. she said i did fine. but i know once we got into the main roads / neighborhoods, i was more distracted by everything around us, and she kept grabbing my wheel, and i kept going too far past my yield signs for tunrs, and bc i was overconfident thinking i could do a u-turn she made me do like 2 more lol. but obviously if it’s just baby and i don’t wanna drive like that? i feel like on the highways i was fine but the second we were in a neighborhood it’s like all of a sudden i forgot i had mirrors at all 🙃. is there like a secret to paying attention better (especially with a cranky baby) or does that come w time? because this was maybe only my 7th time being BTW. most of which being in parking lots
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Experience and delivery service saves life’s.

Experience and time. Focus on what you can do and control and breathe

Experience and time lol. Being over dramatic about checking mirrors helps until it becomes second nature

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