Husband keeping me and the baby secret

Hi everyone, i need your input please. Me and my husband married in august 2023 and i gave birth to our daughter the same year. I have met his mother/brother and sister before we got married. My daughter was a failed contraception thing and he did not want her. He did not tell his brother/sister about her existence and told his mum not to soeak with me, so my daughter is now deprived of her grandma ( my mum is dead), uncle/aunt. Because he had a failed vasectomy, he told me his family told him to be careful in case i cheat on him and the pregnancies are not with him( we previously tried for a baby and had some misscariages) . He is autistic and suffers with stress and his family helped him with money in the past, so now he is missing their arses like there is no tomorrow. I told him today i cant tolerate this situation of him hiding our daughter anymore like she is a dirty secret and unless he introduces her to his family, i prefer to split from him. ? He is already not a great partner ( lives in london because of his job, and visits for a night every few weeks and does not help at all with my daughter, etc). Do you think im wrong wanting to split because he keeps me and my daughter hidden from his family?
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No your not wrong! I wouldn't tolerate this!

My first thought was that he's already married (I'm sorry if I'm completely wrong but alarm bells are ringing loudly) you and your daughter deserve more. Sack him off! X

I agree with the above, sounds like he could potentially be living a double life. I wouldn’t continue with this relationship x

If you split up (which I think would be for the best given how he treats you) I’d reach out to his mother and siblings and tell them the truth.

@Danni his mother knows about our daughter, i texted her a picture after she was born and she never replied back.

You're not wrong at all. Considering he's hardly there anyway, it wouldn't be a great loss if he wasn't there at all. It's very strange that he's hiding you both from his family and even more strange that his mum never responded to a picture of her newborn granddaughter. Sorry you're going through this x

Not wrong at all. Do what’s best for not just your mental sanity but for your daughter x

Oh goodness this is so sad. You're absolutely not wrong and he sounds like a truly horrible individual. I send you and your precious girl love and hope you get the peace and joy you deserve ❤️

Also would like to make a point, my partner is autistic and has stress and would never dream of doing this to his children/me! It's awful thing to do no matter what circumstances!

🚩 🚩🚩 If I were in your situation, I would leave his ass! He visits for A night every few weeks…? You’re basically not together anyway. In regards to his family, he’s clearly fed them a load of bullshit…

Sorry I know it’s been mentioned but guys (and girls!) can be snakes and it sounds like he’s living a double life, yeah his mum might know about your baby but you never know what he’s told her… I’d get out now for the sake of you and your bub x

Would you say its better to tell his brother/sister my daughter exists? Im from another country and have 0 family in here, my mum also passed away, so my daughter only has them as relatives.

You could tell them, just don't expect too much. If the mum has reacted in that way, the brother and sister could also.

@Christina very true 😕

I'm really sorry you're going through this but please don't think that because you have no family here that you have to stay with him. If you decide to end your relationship with him, it might be hard at first, but it'll get easier, and you'll find people who will love, help and support you x

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@Christina thank you, Christina, i am in this country for about 15 years, long before i met him, but its my daughter that im more concerned for. He is depriving her of a grandma, aunts, uncles, cousins.

Is it only him though? You sent his mum a picture of your daughter when she was born and she didn't try and reach out to you

@Christina he did say he told her not to speak with me, and she is doing just that. Very strange people.

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