Anxiety about starting Nursery

Hey everyone, So my 3 year old will start her school nursery in September, just for for 3 hours every day, but I can’t help but feel worried and anxious about this! She’s never had to go to Nursery as I only work part time, and my mum looks after her in between, so she’s never been with anyone else other than family. She’s a very sensitive little thing and gets worked up about having to go to toilets other than her own - despite being fully potty trained since September, and gets upset over the silliest things. She absolutely loves children and getting stuck in with activities, but if she’s not use to an adult or realises I’m not there, I’m worried she will have an absolute meltdown because we have witnessed this a few times in different settings. She’s also such a clumsy little thing too, but of course she’s always had my full attention so I’m able to catch her or stop her before an accident happens. In nursery, I know the teachers will have other pupils to look after and I’m just worried sick that she’s going to have a nasty accident. I know she doesn’t need to go until September next year, but I thought this would be a good transition for her (and me!!) before starting full time there, but now I’m worried about it! I have a little club at this school before school which I’ve worked at for many years, and it really is such a lovely school, but it still doesn’t make things any better for me :( Has anyone got any advice or in the same boat as me! I feel like I’m the only crazy over protective parent when speaking to my friends about this lol! Thank you! xx
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Firstly, you aren’t crazy or over protective! Totally understandable that you’re feeling this way, it’s a big change and it’s outside of you’re comfort zone and you’re nervous - completely normal. Try to shift your focus to the positives that you’ll both gain: your daughter will make new friendships with other children, create new bonds with other caregivers and learn new things. It will also help prep her for school, as you’ve said, so that it isn’t such a shock next Sept. Sounds like you’re having intrusive thoughts which are maybe taking away from positives. There may be a bit of an adaptive period where she’s temporarily upset being dropped off and a bit unsure of others, however I promise these things are always worse in our head than when it actually happens. She will adapt, the main advice I have is try not to show your nerves and worry. Act like you’re totally confident and happy with it and she will hopefully feel more safe and secure too xx

Also don’t forget the staff will be so used to children starting nursery and feeling unsettled, they have so many different tactics to comfort and distract them in that initial settling in period! Xxx

@Sophie thank you so much! ❤️

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