@Mia thank you for replying! That makes me feel a bit better, the whole thought of it is making me so anxious 🙈 how long was your transfer? All of the hotels seem to have long transfer times and we didn’t know if he would just be fed up after the long flight x
Yes done it when my little guy was 2. You’ll love getting away and so will your little one. From my experience it’s not the 3 year old that struggles most with the journey, it’s the parent 😂 The journeys can be tough but you just have to be prepared with toys and snacks at the ready, and spare clothes for you and your little one incase of any accidents or spills. X
i went Turkey last October with my now 3year old. it was absolutely fine, like a little adventure to them. if your looking at turkey look antalya side as the transfers are not as long. ours was about 50mins transfer. going again this October and the transfer 25mins. for the flight. lots of snacks, download some programmes they love on ipad/phone and grab some travel toys from amazon, fidget gadgets, sticker book, colouring etc keep them occupied x
We have done Dominican Republic twice with my boy . First time he was 18 months , second time he was 2,5 yo . And it was a 9 hour flight 😂 . We also just got back from Egypt which was 5,5 hours flight and he was a good boy . My boy is very active . Us as parents and nursery have suspicion he might have adhd . But he did sat down , watch movies on the iPad . Walked up and down the aisle . I’m sure your little one will be fine x if it’s a late flight he might even sleep .
Thanks for all your replies! We decided to just go ahead and book turkey, don’t want my anxiety let us miss out on a good holiday! X
We used to live in Cyprus and I flew frequently with my daughter who was between 1-5 and no issues. They surprise u. 3 is a good age as they uncut may still rest/sleep
I recently went turkey with my 3yo & 7mo and it was a breeze. I had way more anxiety than I needed. I booked early morning flights on the way there and night flights on the way back and he slept lots of the way. When he was up I had packed snacks, toys and downloaded some shows on my phone and he was okay the whole way x