When I was having troubles with mine I would use aspirin on it. You take a tablet and put a couple drops of water on it and make a paste, then put it on the bump overnight. You should probably not take the piercing out, that’s what I’ve always been told.
The top image looks like a bit of a keloid scar and I got those for about 2 years after I got my nose pierced off and on. Yours just looks like it’s angry and irritated, possibly a bit of infection. Aspirin paste could work or some neosporin/triple antibiotic ointment. Just make sure you wash your face before bed and in the morning. Should clear up.
@Stevie Thank you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 I had it for months but it’s just been giving me problems. So I just had enough and took it out 😩
@Lauren the top image is from the internet but the second one is me. Thank you can’t wait for it go 😩
Mine used to get like this years ago when i first got it done, especially around the times I'd get run down ... I'd use tea tree on it and boiled sea salt water a few time times a day ... cleaning the piercing and surface area, but i wouldn't take the piercing fully out, only to clean.
I saw there is a treatment you can get on Amazon.
@Arie thank you honey !!!