My baby hit her head and I’m so anxious.
So I’ll start off with the important part, she’s currently fine and being watched.
My 5 month old was laying in her playpen and the dog threw a lacrosse ball in and got her right on the temple. Needless to say there was screaming and crying and the baby is still a little uncomfortable since it happened just a few minutes ago.
Here comes the anxiety… I have to leave for work in approximately 2.5 hours. I’m worried her dad won’t watch her well enough.
What if he’s watching TV and the baby doesn’t wake up from her nap and he doesn’t notice?
What if she starts acting a little off and he doesn’t notice?
What if the dog throws the ball in again to try to get his attention (which is exactly what happened this morning already) and she gets hit again?
For the record he literally taught the dog this behavior and hasn’t done anything to correct it. And I’m getting the just relax it’s okay. Like yeah, I get that she’s fine right now, but that doesn’t fix later and it doesn’t assure me things will be fine once I leave the house.
We stretch a crib sheet over the top of our playpen to prevent dog toys from getting tossed in by accident. As for the husband, I’d check in multiple times a day. Do yall have an app to track naps or feedings? That would help with timing unless they’re on a schedule. Do your baby monitors attach to your phone? I’d set one up to see the main area you keep baby. If not, do you have an Alexa? Or similar? You can “drop in” on the built in camera through the app to check in as well. We set that up to check on the dogs when we leave for a long event like a concert. Maybe you could set it up to see baby