Was he seen by a paediatrician?
He had his hospital release check, and he had his 8 week check on monday at the GP. X
Might be a stupid suggestion but maybe try a different bottle and teat? Sending you love and support it’s awful having an upset bub 💗
Until you get seen maybe give him some milk through a calpol-like syringe? Purely to get more in his system. Would he take it this way? Poor little thing, and you must be so stressed out. Hoping you get to the bottom of it asap xx
@Emma I'd take a diary of his feeds and amount taken to paediatrician team. Ask your GP to refer you, or call your health visitor team and ask them to advise. 9 oz sounds too low indeed but he looks v healthy.
Hes just took 2 oz. The out of hours gp advised me to see how he goes for today and then he would have to go to hospital, im going to give it till 5.30 today and if hes doesnt take the next bottle im taking him to a&e.
Try the nuk bottles, smaller but more frequent feeds
@Emma I hope you get sorted! 💗
@Angharad thank you. X
I agree with trying smaller more frequent feeds. Great that he’s just taken 2oz though. Have you tried changing teat flow? My girl has been fussy and I have to walk around whilst feeding to calm her enough to feed, could give that a go
Does he only get upset when he’s hungry/feeding? Have you tried feeding before he shows hunger cues/gets upset? I know sometimes my LG doesn’t wake till she’s absolutely starving and does this to bottle/nipple for a few mins x
Hey, this is my little one for the last 48 hrs and it's super stressful. Every bottle I've been persevering and offering the bottle, settling her with a dummy, offering the bottle settling her with a dummy, offering the bottle and so on until she eventually takes it. (It's not for the faint hearted but that's how I've eventually managed to get milk into her) She had her vaccines on Monday as well as her 6 week check (she will be 9 weeks on Saturday) At the appointment the doctor prescribed Aptamil Pepti 1 as the HV belived she had colic however the GP said she thinks its likely an intolerence to her milk. We now don't know if it's because of the change in milk or the vaccines so just keeping an eye on her just now. Xx
@Rebekah yes, he will take an oz then starts screaming. Tried everything. Saying that hes just had 3oz off a tommy tippee bottle size 1 teat, we have mam ones, asda ones, morrisons ones, he was amazing on the little hospital ones but they dont hold enough and the teats are to slow now x I feel stupid even asking for help as ive got 6 others and its not my first rodeo, but ive never experienced this before.
Hes out for the count now, full feed for him . Awww thank you ill have a look. Thank you all for your help its so much appreciated xxx
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@Julie the Gp totally dismissed any concerns i had regarding his feeding said 3oz is enough and really he should only be on 40 mls 🤯 . Im now waiting for my HV to come back off her holidays. The out of hours gp was so good tho last night and she said he needs about 12 oz in 12 hours to keep him from being admitted to hospital. X
Has he just had his jabs? Xx
My little one was like this when he had a cows milk allergy, does he have any other symptoms that might suggest that ?
@Michelle had them Monday, @Rowan not really, he has egg smelling gas when he passes wind but hes not been for a poo since sunday. X
Constipation can be a sign, is he refluxy or anything ??xx
@Rowen he looks like hes going to throw up sometimes but doesnt and pulls a funny face. X
@Emma ohh bless him, might be his little legs hurting still or just his tummy not going for a poo, have you tried a bath. Although I think I read he took 3oz & settled. Hopefully he is over whatever was causing the upset. Breaks your heart doesn’t it 😞 xx
I hate to say it but this looks a lot like bottle aversion. We had this with our first born. It’s so stressful!! It’s so easy for them to start to refuse the feed. You can reverse it but takes time and patients, it only takes one force of the bottle for them to start doing it. We are so scared of them not feeding, it’s easy to over encourage. I’ve been so conscious of it second time around as they can be cheeky with their milk sometimes. There’s helpful tips online, we ended up reading a book on it. Happy to chat if you want x
@Emma I hope he gets a restful night for himself & for you. My little girl only usually gets upset when she is hungry (so I feed her before that happens) & tired, only a cuddle & swaying can help her then xxx
Looks like im off the hospital hes had only 4 oz over night since his 3 oz feed at 7.20 pm x
Maybe try sitting him up more? Good luck
@Emma please let us know how you get on! Sending love 💗
@Angharad managed to get GP appointment, dont really want to sit in a&e for hours if i dont have to x will let you know x
Well ended up in hospital as GP said his resps where 100 🙈 got to hospital his resps where normal. 🙈 hospital think he has cows milk allergy so been referred to feeding team and hes been put on gaviscon
Hospital doc thinks GP panicked because they didnt know how to deal with a none feeding baby so said his breathing was rapid to send him to hospital 🤦♀️🙈🤦♀️🙈🤦♀️😮
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Oh bless you @Emma that must have been so frightening! Hopefully he’ll get sorted now with some different formula! 💗
Just a little update on joe, hes feeding well, we have even managed a 4oz bottle 😁😁
@Emma that’s so bad of the GP!! I’m glad you’ve been referred and that’s he’s feeding 🥰
@Rebekah honestly i dropped everything to get him to the hospital, there were no parking spaces so just threw the car on a road near ( ended up with a parking fine), my husband came out of work) for there to be nothing wrong with his breathing. X
@Emma honestly!! I don’t know why there isn’t more children’s nurses/doctors in gp’s! My doctor has no clue about children and even admitted that to me when I took my little girl in.. we’ve got our check up on Monday and she has a hernia and some issues with her formula she’s already on reflux milk so I hope who I’m seeing is a lot better! It’s ridiculous x
@Rebekah the doctor that sent me was the second opinion as the first one couldn’t even find the scales and they were in-front of her! Still didnt weight him either 🤦♀️🙈 hope you have more luck x
@Emma absolutely ridiculous! X
Yes hes been checked for that. Xx