C Section at Stoke Mandeville

Hiya! Im meant to be having an elective c section at stoke Mandeville when I turn 39 weeks (currently 37) but apparently they’re fully booked at the moment so I’m on a waiting list. Has anyone had this situation where you were called in and everything ran smoothly? Or did you have to wait past the 39 week mark?
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They have cancellations all the time. I found out I needed one at 38 weeks as she had gone footling. Got a call within 24hrs booking me in within 39 weeks

All calm and organised, I freaked out when they said about the waiting list at first

Hey! I had my LB 4 months ago yesterday. I was told I'd get a call any time from "now" with my date but it could be as late as the day before I go in so be ready. In the end I got my call within 48 hours of my consultation and was booked in. It was such a great experience, I hope yours is too :)

Thanks for confirming guys, it’s always so scary when it’s the unknown and im definitely a planner! I had my consultation on Tuesday but haven’t heard back yet, fingers crossed I hear back soon xx

Hello! This happened to me. I was on the waitlist and was called on the Monday (I was 39+1) to say they had a space for me on the Thursday (and I had been fourth on the waitlist). I was told if you’ve asked for an elective they have to give you one before your 40th week or they can be liable if anything happened. Good luck! x

No experience with being on the waiting list but had both my c sections (one emergency, one elective) at Stoke and they were brilliant! X

Can you not go to John Radcliffe instead? Xx

I didn’t have a planned c section, mine was an emergency one, but I had such an incredible experience with the team there. Was super quick and easy. Within an hour of meeting with my consultant and deciding to go with a c section, I was on the table numb and ready to meet my lil girl!

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