Gaviscon for reflux

My LO suffers badly with reflux so we were put on gaviscon by the gp. Its helped her reflux massively and she actually takes her bottles now but it’s made her super constipated it’s horrible. I now have no idea what I’m supposed to do as she can’t continue with this. Has anyone else been put on something different for reflux? Or changed milk? Please help😫
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We're also on gaviscon. My GP said that if they get bad constipation they may need to prescribe them with laxatives too. So you may need to call your GP again. My lo got a bit of constipation initially, and whilst her poos are still a lot firmer than before, it doesn't seem to cause her as much issues as it did initially. We've been on it for just over 2 weeks now. Depends how bad your lo is, but may get better/easier in a day or two. Maybe try reducing the dosage in the meantime - e.g. putting it in every other bottle?

Omeprazole :) But doctors are usually reluctant to give it as it’s expensive!

My LG was the same with gaviscon. We used windi on her. Now we're on omeprazole and she's still constipated.

Could try omeprazole but it’s got a horrible taste and therefore quite difficult to give to our little boy gaviscon was making him constipated but that seems to be better now. We were using lactulose when it was bad xx

My little girl is also on gaviscon and was constipated for a day or 2, I started using it every other feed rather than every feed and that solved the constipation while also managing the reflux symptoms x

As mentioned above, we use the gaviscon in every other feed too which seems to help with the constipation whilst helping the reflux

Exactly the same here - gaviscon helped reflux but bad constipation. GP wanted to prescribe omeprazole and a laxative but I didn’t want my poor baby on all these meds. Health visitor recommended reflux milk or stick with normal milk but add Carobel to thicken the feeds. It’s worked really well - no constipation and no reflux! Xxx

Check with your GP but we had really bad colic and reflux and we were using colief drops but noticed after 2 days of using colief in every Bootle - she was pooping NONNN STOP from the colief drops - 10 times a day. Obviously we stopped using them but every now and then when shes constipated, we give her a bottle with the drops and she’ll poop.

@Lucy that’s crazy! Babies don’t need laxatives with Omeprazole 🤦🏼‍♀️ some doctors are clueless. We just use one dose of 2.5ml Omeprazole on a morning and that’s it for the day. Works perfectly and she definitely has no pooping issues on it 😊 never heard someone mention having pooping issues with Omeprazole either so no idea why your doctor wanted to prescribe you a laxative too

Thank you all for the replies! Made me feel better that I’m not the only one. She’s been on the gaviscon since mon evening and I only ever put it in every other bottle as I was worried about constipation to start with. Am I best just contacting the gp again and asking for something else? What is omeprazole? X

You could do! Or you could ask for a laxative . Is it helping with her reflux

Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor. Basically it stops the stomach from producing too much stomach acid which is what babies can’t keep down (similar to heartburn for adults). Whereas Gaviscon thickens the stomach contents instead, which is why it causes constipation. There are little to no side effects and very few are if there are any! We’ve seen no side effects at all and my little girl is 3 months old. Her reflux has started calming down as she used to be a little sick on mornings before her dose but she now isn’t 🥳. Before omeprazole, my little girl was sick maybe 5-10 times after every feed. With omeprazole she was maybe sick once a day.

@LorrenOh really that’s good! My little girl is now on omeprazole so hopefully she gets better🤞🏻thank you for advice

Woo! Good luck and I hope it works for you 😊

@Lorren how are you administering it? My little boy hates it, we’ve tried it with a small amount of milk as well but he can’t stand it! X

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@Amy I think we’ve been a bit lucky and my little one quite likes it. Do you have the oral suspension version or are you having to dissolve a tablet? X

@Lorren oh that’s good! We’ve got the liquid form xx

I just put a little bit in her mouth to start with and let her taste it. If I put too much in she usually spits it out. Also, timing it so that it’s given to her when she’s hungry works too, as she’ll eat (drink) anything at that point haha. We do get a few “ew, what’s that” shudders but she still swallows it. Just perseverance I guess! X

I have the tablets that need to be dissolved but have no clue what I’m doing with them tbh was just given the prescription today😫

I’d ask them to give you the liquid version instead. It’s so much easier! They’ll put up resistance to it because of the cost but ultimately they can’t turn you away! X

I didn’t even know that. I’m gonna have to ask cause dissolving the tablet is such a pain especially when she’s hungry

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