Baby sitting up

My baby turns 3 months on the 27, he’s trying to sit up, is it too soon?
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How is he trying to sit up?

Typically babies start sitting up with the need for assistance around 4 months old

I usually lean him against my legs when I’m laying in bed and he has been pushing himself forward and trying to hold himself up

He’s always liked to be sat up instead of laying down

My baby will be 4 months old on the 20th. He has been sitting up because he hates lying down. Probably since he was 2 months old. He sits up all on his own and doesn't fall down now without anyone next to him. He pushes away from things to try and balance on his own as well. My developmental specialist said it's perfectly fine.

That’s great to hear! Some people have been saying it’s too early but he’s doing it on his own, I’m there watching him and making sure he doesn’t fall over when pushing himself off me but he just wants to be upright

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