Really really struggling with this diagnosis, does anxiety affect results.

I hate needles and so finding the testing very very difficult. Can’t stop crying about it. Got my kit yesterday, so 24 hours in, following the advice on food to the letter and yet my results consistently high. Does it take a while for them to settle? Is my anxiety a factor in the result? No idea how I’ll do this another 9 weeks. I’m having an elective c-section and baby so far measuring just below 50 per centile,not entirely what I’ll do if I have to have insulin injections?? Any advice?
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If you can afford it I highly recommend getting a continuous monitor, I know I was personally stressed about having to poke my self multiple times a day but the continuous monitor makes everything way easier, they can be quite pricey though

I’m on pregnancy #2 with GD. With #1 I did the constant finger pricks and did have to take insulin at night because my fasting sugars were not good. With this pregnancy I requested a CGM (constant glucose monitor). I have the freestyle libra 3 so it is a device maybe the size of a quarter that sticks on the back of your arm and stays on for 2 weeks at a time and sends your numbers to an app on your phone. It also send the numbers to my dr so I don’t have to remember to do it. I will also say this pregnancy my numbers have been harder to keep in control. And honestly idk exactly why. With my first I had her in July 2020 so by the time I got tested it was peak covid so I was not going out other than a walk around the block and cooking every single meal for myself. Since then I have had my gallbladder out and now I have a toddler to manage as well as I am just busier in life. I have found it hard cause I will eat something today and my numbers are right on spot and I eat the identical

Meal Tommorow and my numbers suck. All of this to say you are not alone. I know this doesn’t necessarily help cause it’s not my favorite when people say it to me. But it is nice to know.

Thank you so much all amazingly useful and supportive. There’s lots I’m going to take away and do. Really appreciate it

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