Telling children "no"

There has been a kind of hot topic surrounding the word no. And all I've heard is some parents refuse to tell their children no. And there isn't a reason I've heard as to why. I believe in balance. If a child is doing something dangerous, I think it's ok to say no and move them to something else to get their attention. I think it teaches about safety. Honestly, as an adult, I hear the word "no" all of the time. And I'd I was raised to never hear it, I would take it poorly. So again, I wonder, what is the issue with the word? I can see if all day it was no no no without a redirect, that would be hard on a baby or child. Help, I would like to understand. Thank you!
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It's not the word itself but the overuse of the word. There's a lot of research that backs up the notion that your young child hears the words after no as the action to take. So no bite turns into just bite in their underdeveloped brain. So it's less using the word no and more redirecting them to the desired action instead. So in the bite example it would be more appropriate for their understanding to say, we bite teethers and give them a teether to bite. So it can be easier to stop saying no entirely as it helps you reframe the actions you want taken. The problem is permissive parenting where they aren't redirected or given appropriate consequences for their actions, not the lack of the word no.

I dont know why the problem with no is. I honestly don't get it and think a lot of ppl overthink the whole parenting thing. "No" is just another word that's important for children to understand. No can save lives and set boundaries both which children need to learn. I tell my children no when it calls for it and my oldest takes it well and my baby is learning to accept it too. Just do what is best for your children.

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