Single mumsšŸ’—

Any other single mums struggling to grasp reality ? I always said that kids would only be something I did in couple format- but the BD left me traumatised and now Im 24+3 and I feel like Iā€™m in a constant state of delulu šŸ˜‚ I can only try my best, but it still doesnā€™t feel real to me x
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Even now & my daughters 3 I feel abit guilty sometimes that I didnā€™t have her with the right person, but she wouldnā€™t be her with that low life scum impregnating me.. šŸ¤£ so in some ways Iā€™m thankful for him šŸ¤ØšŸ˜‚ itā€™s a weird one.. he gave me my best friend & tho itā€™s sad for her that she hasnā€™t got her dad or his side of the family around, she knows no differentā€¦ sheā€™s happy & loved & thatā€™s all that matters. Some days are harder than others but you get through it, women are bosses x

@Sian one of my worries was that having a boy would remind me of what I suffered, but now I know Iā€™m having a girl, Iā€™m slowly convincing myself that I get a ā€˜mini-meā€™ just like my mum, and that brings me peace knowing that something good is coming from it regardless. I guess the loneliness sucks more while sheā€™s not here yet šŸ˜…

Iā€™m currently 20+4 days pregnant and Iā€™m a single mum to my 15 year old. Me and BD broke up 2 days before I found out I was pregnant. I have found some days are better then others but itā€™s rewarding waking up every morning and looking at A little human you have created. I raised my 15 year old son on my own since he was 2 and I am doing it all again. How I see it you have gained something magical out of something that was so traumatising. My inbox is always open if you want to chat x

I can totally relate to this. Got pregnant the first time I slept with a guy I was seeing. I was told it would be very difficult for me to have children so I couldnā€™t bring myself to terminate. But my gut was screaming there was something wrong with the guy and I couldnā€™t have been proven more right (with info from social care and the police). Obvs I ended it and I have no guilt in saying he canā€™t have any contact. He is a super unhealthy and unsafe person. It would be wrong of me to subject my child to him. Iā€™m a trainee therapist and have studied early childhood emotional development and attachment this last year, and at no point does it demonstrate a need for a father. Just a safe primary care giver and examples of healthy relationships in their lives. I do have this fear now that I know Iā€™m having a boy that he will somehow end up like him tho, that scares me.

@Rachel I get that. I had to find out the hard way about my Ex too. But now the police are involved I feel safer. Iā€™m not putting him down for anything and I plan to get a restraining order for me and my child as soon as I can

@Lauren itā€™s really tough isnā€™t it. I gave up on the traditional relationship or family dynamic years ago but I never thought Iā€™d get pregnant by a monster. Iā€™ve struggled a lot with shame about that. But we canā€™t truly know people I guess. But itā€™s literally my job to see these things in people. Iā€™m the same, he doesnā€™t go on the birth cert and he doesnā€™t ever get to come near me or my child. Heā€™s too much of a risk

@Rachel I struggled at first too. Literally out of everyone I slept with, it had to be him šŸ˜• but youā€™re right. You can never fully know someone. Only yourself - and baby of course šŸ¤

@Lauren oh girl I had some overlap and I was so desperately hoping it was the other guy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but no such luck. I think we will be fine tho. I think Sometimes it can be less complicated. No one to argue with over values or how we raise our children. I know itā€™s tougher energy wise but I think we adapt. And hopefully I can raise my little boy to be a healthy and happy person all on my own!

@Rachel I was the the same šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ like I was trying to work out if the guy from beginning of October could have over the end of November šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ oh well. Cā€™est la vie šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚ yeah, weā€™ll be better on our own. He used to love to manipulate me by saying ā€œsingle parents arenā€™t role models for children. They need stability and you canā€™t give that on your own. Letā€™s show them what real parents look likeā€ blah blah blahhhhh šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢

@Lauren what a load of shite šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I bet he truly believed it too is the sad thing. I had something very similar. All these ideas but every time it was about ā€œhis child, his mini him, his offspringā€ - made me realise that he saw this child as something he owned, a toy to play parent with. Not on my watch. Healthy relationships can be modelled without them being romantic ones, sounds like he has some very outdated views. I also got ā€œif itā€™s a boy he will need to be shown how to be a manā€. NOPE! My son will be whoever he wants and by that it itself will define his masculinity. Although I may have to rope my brother and nephews in for penis ownership stuff, not sure I can help much with that stuff šŸ˜‚

@Rachel yep, thatā€™s what I got too. Just someone to play parent. I should have seen the signs in the first place but hey ho. We live and learn donā€™t we. The peanuts are better off without them

I can totally relate to that. Am 22 weeks pregnant and this scumbag has said nothing. He told me he wasnā€™t ready and wanted an abortion but I said no and kept it. Now am alone fending for myself. Am having a boy that kinda breaks my heart. But am staying firm and happy for him. I know it wonā€™t be easy but I have hope that things will be better for me and my child. It was hard to have a connection with the baby but now have come realise that the baby is innocent and he only got me in this world. So I have to do my best to provide for him. Am now doing a part time job to earn some money to start buying things for the baby. As am typing now, I havenā€™t bought anything. Sometimes I become anxious, angry and scared but after taking up some therapy sessions, am now a bit ok and I know my part time job will help me a bit to buy my baby things. I know heavens will make a way

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