Entertaining toddler whilst heavily pregnant

Looking for some ideas to entertain my toddler, currently 38 weeks, feeling bored stuck at home but finding it hard to run around after him, he used to play well independently but just wants me at the moment, the days are dragging and I'm struggling to entertain him Also finding the evenings really boring, I'm not sleeping well and can't get comfy, just feeling so bored and fed up now
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What sort of things does your toddler like? Books, puzzles, building blocks, musical toys? Maybe a new toy that they can play with that will distract them because it's something new - I've seen those magnetic tiles in planning on getting for my 2.5yo, the safe kind, not the ones with a magnet outside. X

@Anna he loves playing with cars but he Ready has so many! Oh that's a good idea, thanks x

We’ve been doing a lot of colouring, puzzles and baking or playing in the garden because I just don’t have the energy to go for a walk or the park and run after her

I came on here to ask this exact question, I’m 40 weeks tomorrow and struggling with keeping my 4yo entertained, he’s been so patient with me bless him but I feel so guilty that I’m not able to take him out and do as much with him due to being completely exhausted. I almost dread his days off nursery as I know he will be expecting to do something, I’m going to try and brave soft play tomorrow early in the day that’s if I don’t go into labour tonight 😭x

Another thing that comes to mind is a water play table. It's not as cheap as the magnetic tiles, but a great investment now at the beginning of the summer so when your baby comes and cluster feeds, you can still keep the toddler occupied x

@Lauren My son used to love puzzles but isn't bothered by them anymore unfortunately, baking is a great idea thanks 😊 xx

@Jerina aw it's so hard isn't it, yeah soft play is a good idea, if they are happy to go and play on their own my toddler just wants me to go in with him though 😅 it's a shame the weather has been so rubbish x

@Anna ah yes we do have one, I found it so much easier to entertain him last week when the weather was so nice, he had his water table and sandpit but now we're back to rainy days stuck in I'm finding it hard x

The PT Parent on Instagram has lots of age appropriate play ideas, she's a SAHM, things like coloured pasta or sand etc xx

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