Glucose in urine

Hey guys, I had a GTT and it came back normal but I still have “glucose +++” in my urine. Been referred to the diabetes team, has anyone ever had this? What was the outcome?
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I did and I did have gestational diabetes. Was told at 33weeks. I was put on insulin and a strict diet change. My daughter was born healthy at 38+4 🫶

@Rubes do you think will they put me through another GTT?

@Brooke I went through 2 so maybe

I had this happen 3 days apart, my GTT was normal on the Monday and had glucose in my urine on the Thursday. My midwife doubled checked with the diabetes team, and they said I couldn’t get in in 3 days, but if I had glucose in my urine at my next midwife appointment, then to repeat the GTT. 2.5 weeks later it was completely normal. Apparently 1 in 4 pregnant women will have glucose in their urine at some point, but only 1 in 10 of those with have diabetes x

I did and they made me do another test even though I told them I had, had cheesecake and churros at 10pm the night before so it was probably that 😂

@Mish I’ve had glucose in my wee for 3 appointments now. They have no idea what’s going on😅

@Chelsea I was passed out asleep by 10pm the day before my GTT😂 I thought sleep was the best option considering I was so hungry😂

@Brooke it just happens to some women when pregnant for no particular reason and the never get GD, but does mean they probably keep testing you to be on the safe side x

Just got back from an appointment with the same findings so midwife is repeating GD test next week 😩 my urine test last week was fine so just hoping it was the excessive sugar I consumed during last nights football game! What came of yours in the end?

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