Toddler hitting/slapping

So recently amongst everything else my toddler has started to slap/hit me when she disagrees with something along with the word no. I’ve tried not to react. I’ve tried telling her no and it’s not nice to hit but I don’t really know what I should be doing about it really.
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I am going though the same thing right now I just try to remind him to be gentle but he still isn’t getting it

My nearly 2 year old is doing the same x

Im so glad im not the only one! My son shouts back no because i always say no thank you. And is starting to hit and slap. So lost of ways to stop it but he just seems to think its the norm

Yep!! She’s been doing it a while now. Tried the kind hands etc but she still goes for it. I have tried to ignore it more and I have noticed it’s become less or she’ll run away in a huff then comes back 10 seconds later happy as anything

Same with my son. For a week now he starts hitting me with hand or his toys. I keep telling him it make me sad or its painful. That he shoudnt hit other people but I believe he doesnt care at all.

My 17-month-old daughter has been doing this lately too, and I’m struggling not to take it personally. I’m also worried that I’m doing something wrong, and that this is not just a phase she will grow out of. She started doing it when she was frustrated or upset about me changing her diaper or something, but the last couple of times everything seemed fine until, all of a sudden, she got what seemed like a mean, mischievous smiles and hit me. She seemed to give like a triumphant smile afterwards, which was concerning. I’m hoping she’s just testing out boundaries, and she will eventually stop. (I do feel like the “hits” are more like soft taps now though, so hopefully she’s improving.) I’ve read a lot of recommendations saying to gently hold your child’s hands to keep them from hitting while calming telling them that hitting isn’t ok. I can already image her horrible reaction if I tried this - frantically screaming and lashing out more. Help!

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