Advice šŸ˜”

Please could someone give me some advice on how to get my little girl (7.5months) to sit, she has no interest in sitting at all, when I bend her legs to a sitting position she puts them straight and pushes herself back, I have no idea what else to do and I feel like Iā€™ve failed her šŸ˜” sheā€™s also no where near rollingšŸ˜”
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How does she take to tummy time?

I would try tummy time & maybe a paediatric chiropractor. Itā€™s typically not an issue until 9 months, but if you are really worried, Iā€™d talk with your paediatrician.

Loads of tummy time. And just make her stay sitter as long as she can. Sit behind her and reposition with distraction of toys. So she can't push herself back. Remember not to force it. Just a gentle push to keep going. Also try the baby classes like baby gym etc. Then see professional if still stressed about it. Xx

@Chrissy sheā€™s okay with tummy time now but only for about 5 minutes max, then she starts getting stressed. She can roll front to back sometimes but this isnā€™t every time yet x

@Erin Iā€™m trying to do as much Tummy time I can, Iā€™ve got health visitor next week Iā€™ll speak with them again and see if theyā€™re concerned x

@Lav Iā€™ve tried distracting her with toys, rattles, lights, even the tv but sheā€™s just not having any of it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøx

Honestly with more tummy time it will help. She needs to build those muscles to sit and a lot of it is done with activating her core on the floor.

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