
Anyone else’s little one still not walking on their own yet?
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My girl will only take 5-6 steps and give up so she isn’t fully on the move yet

Mine! She turns one today and still isn't but my other two didn't walk until about a week or so or longer after they turned one so I'm not super worried

Nope. 1 on May 1st. Doctor is hoping by 15m. 🤷‍♀️

My girl isnt yet . She’ll take steps holding onto something tho

Nope! 1 on the 26th and she scales furniture, but absolutely will not even take guided steps. She has let go of what she is holding onto maybe a handful of times.

My girl will take 2-4 steps but then give up! So you’re not alone!

He's close but not yet. Technically they aren't behind till18 months

Nope! Mine turned 1 on April 22nd and I’m not worried at all because he’s hitting all the necessary milestones. He’ll learn at his own pace. 🥰

Mine has taken 6 steps twice, and then has refused to do it ever since. She prefers to cruise along the furniture or crawling. She’ll walk when she’s good and ready I guess.

Mine! She's still cruising on the furniture. Honestly hoping she takes her time. I'm happy for her to slow down just a little lol

Mine only does 3 steps and falls

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