Am I right to be annoyed with my partner?

We had a really horrible 12 week scan and booking appointment. And we booked a private scan for today as soon as we left the hospital to try and make a positive memory. It comes to today, I remind him he needs to finish work early- I booked the latest appointment possibe @7pm to try and suit him better. We live an hour away from the scan place and he works 30 mins from home. He farms so couldn't jump straight in the car, he would need a shower. He knew he had to be home for 5 at the latest to make sure we made it on time. Still no sign of him. Just rang him and he's nowhere near done work and he won't be home to six ish. I'm just so annoyed that we had such a bad experience and now he's not putting any effort in. If he's not leaving work until six, how on earth are we meant to make it on time?! I ended up saying I'll go alone. I'm sat in tears
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I think obviously it’s tough because whatever you feel, you feel ten times more now. But I do think if he physically cannot leave work until 6 then you might just have to call the private scan clinic and just tell them you might be late. It’s tough because you really wanted to create a nicer memory for the both of you and it feels like your the only one who’s bothered. I get that too sometimes but then remember my partner is also feeling all the pressure and stress and work is his best way of providing and showing love. i think definitely when everything is calmer, communicate how it upset you but make sure you explain that you aren’t trying to cause an argument x

I hope it turned into a more positive evening for you xx

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