What should I do

Ive talked with my sons father after my son said he can't wait to see his aunt her boyfriend and Michael and turns out Michael is a sex offender and I addressed this with him father knows about this he said children never been around Michael but when I show children the picture they knew him as Michael and they have both been wanting to play house brother and sister and showing sexual behavior the children are 4 and 6 they are both boys and father still wants to take children to the residence of the sex offenders house. Am I wrong for going to the courts and filling emergency motion to get supervised or stop the visits and make it where he's not allowed to go to that address what should I do l?
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Nope, the behavior your kids are.showing is standard when children are exposed to sexual things. Him allowing sex offenders around your children is neglectful

I’d also be reporting this Michael for being around children

@Sita I second this^^

Should I take him to the hospital to be checked out


I believe the hospital would only test if he showed symptoms of being sodomized. (Being scared to take off his underwear, being unable to sit down, having bleeding from his rectum, getting frequent UTIs, etc) What kind of sexual offense was Mike arrested for? Was it towards kids? Was he dating a teenager? Did he pee in public? Have sex in a car? That makes a difference on if you can report him for being around your son

You are not wrong. But you need to figure out what sexual offends he is arrested for and follow to report after if it’s directed toward your children. You can look up that up and details on your county website. I’m sorry babe but if your sons father doesn’t agree with you. Respectfully you don’t have to just go along with him because he’s your child’s father. YOU KNOW WHEN SOMETHING IS WRONG. If there is danger you sense do not let anyone tell you to brush it off. KEEP YOUR KIDS AWAY FROM THEIR FATHER AND HAVE HIM ONLY VISIT HIS KIDS IN YOUR PRESENCE. If he can’t agree then go to court. You obviously can’t trust him to not take them to Michaels house with him so don’t you dare let him try to make you feel like your wrong. It’s not wrong for you to also withhold your children if you sense he is being neglectful.

Oh no. Yeah I'd start filing for emergency assistance and report him. That's awful. I'd also look into your baby daddy bc if he's friends with a pedo, he might be one too. I'd also sit down with your sons and have a talk abiut safe people and unsafe people and ask how they know Michael

Wow, what website is this?

@Michelle nsopw.gov it shows sex offenders in your area

Thank you!

Oh my bad, because it said Kent, I assumed it was a UK site lol I’m from England, I think we have to apply to the local police for that kind of information 🤦🏻‍♀️

Update child protective service wanted me to go to er

Oh man, I hope your boys are ok! I hope this guy hasn't done anything to them

I would be absolutely fuming. You have every right to keep your kids away and file emergency motion. Can I just ask, as your bd isn’t really making sense with somethings…if the children haven’t been around Michael how do they know what he looks like? Why do they know him at all? Why is he insistent on taking them to his place especially if they “haven’t been around him”? If he knows his history why tf is he taking them to his residence?! Sorry I’m getting so frustrated for you. I’m sorry you are going through this and I hope that your kids are alright. Take them to the hospital as advised by child services. Did they advise anything else regarding your bd or Michael? Fight this and protect your babies because it doesn’t sound too much like BD cares either way

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@Sharnee I'm at er right now bd showed up then left cause he was hungry seems like he don't care about if anything happened or not

Oh beautiful mama 💔 I just want to add that you are amazing and strong!

Him being indifferent is a little concerning. Either he doesn't care, or he knows what the answer is. He is not a safe parent at all

And then he is showing signs of being on drugs since he's been here

Babygirl I’m so so so so so sorry. Protect those little ones with all you can moving forward and GET THOSE MFS. and FILE CHARGES AGAINST BABY DADDY

I can’t imagine all your emotions. Be strong. Fight like hell. And I know I’d be ready to catch a case bc EVERYONE INVOLVED would be 20ft under. But make everyone who even sat quietly around SUFFER AND PAY. And please get your babies therapy. If you’re working currently file for time off for family care if your job can’t provide it, file with unemployment.

Omg, poor baby. I am so sorry momma. I can't begin to say how heartbroken I am over this for you. Report this to the police, to CPS and report Michael. Do not day anything to you baby daddy bc now he is an accomplice to a pedophile.

@Lexi I have a meeting with a cps worker today

Omg poor baby! I can’t begin to imagine how you are feeling right now Sending our love to you xxx

Police and detectives are now involved

I'm praying for your babies. Hopefully they put Michael on death row for this. No child should be put through this. I hope the judge puts your bd in jail for giving a known pedophile access to children. If I were in your shoes, I'd be beating up everyone who harmed my babies. Get your babies in therapy, hun. I'm saying this as an SA survivor. This more than likely will cause PTSD for your boys even though they don't truly understand it yet.

Judge denied motion to stop visits until cps and police investigation is over

Are you freaking serious? So your baby's have to be alone with you bd and that man enless he's charged? I'd appeal it.

They said I can file for a hearing


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if he pulls up for them call the cops make a complaint Do anything you can to ensure delay it delay it until you can get the order filed

@Wendy apparently the judge denied it 😡

Is there a court order currently that you both share custody or some sort of visitation schedule that’s on a legal document?! Because if he’s just on the birth certificate you can literally just say oh we’re doing visitation until investigation is over. You owe that mf NOTHING

And Michael isn’t family isn’t nothing except A LITERAL CRIMINAL CHARGED OFFENDER so the only way he’s being seen is in cuffs or under a baseball bat that’s being swung viciously at him. SO MOTION DISMISSED OR NOT MICHAEL IS NOT GOING ANYWHERE NEAR YOUR CHILDREN F ANYONE TRYING TO TELL YOU OTHERWISE

@Wendy there is a court order for visitation so if I don't let him go I am in trouble

Alright babe don’t go to self help. Seek a lawyer look for someone pro bono for currently. Because it won’t be you filing anymore a lawyer will be able to navigate it differently for you and hopefully the current judge or new judge will revoke that current denied motion.

Hey girl just checking in on you, keeping you and your children in my prayers 🫶🏼

@Wendy I have a court date for June 6th I have to have my children speak with a child advocate I'm working with a detective right now

Stay strong and make sure you get some support for yourself too. No one should have to go through this. My thoughts are with you guys x

You’re doing great! Stay strong 🫶🏼

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