Not overweight? Well then DGAF! Comparison is the thief of joy. I guess none of those people who commented have any joy in their lives 🤪. Congrats to your boy on being a good eater. Maybe he eats everything mine (who is chubby but doesn’t eat!) should be having 😛
If he’s eating it happily then carry on! If he’s not over weight what’s the problem? People are so quick to judge, try not to take any notice. You know your child best ❤️
Thank you everyone, just to add he doesn’t always finish his plate and sometimes half of it does end up thrown on the floor 😅😭 but he is such a good eater and I don’t force feed him at all so if he wasn’t hungry or didn’t want it he would definitely let me know! I’m gonna keep feeding him the same amount and ignore the comments x
@Charlotte the food looks so yummy! My LO loves pasta too, thank you for the reassurance 🩷
I’ve read that babies can’t override their hunger/full signals so can’t overeat! So don’t worry and relax and be happy you have a good little eater 🙊
@Yaz thank you! It makes sense because when he’s full he just throws the food so he definitely knows not to overeat!
@Becky haha that’s so cute 😂 having a hungry baby makes me happy too my love language is giving so it brings me joy to cook and feed him! But yesss he’s always been on the go; crawling and climbing things since 6 months and he’s just started walking. Well I say walking but he just runs and tries to get as far as he can before falling over and he’s straight back up 😂 they defiantly need the extra energy
@Hayley it’s so nice to hear I’m not alone! She’s so adorable 🥺 and that’s very true I want him to eat as much as he can right now so when/if he does get fussier I know he’s tried a wide variety already xx
My LO is a teeny dot just in 6-9 mo clothes and eats 3 huge meals a day similar to your picture, no idea where she puts it!! Ignore the haters, babies are intuitive eaters and will take only what they need. So long as you’re following baby’s hunger cues, it’s nigh impossible to overfeed them xx
What’s the sauce out of interest as it looks yummy 🙊?
You are definitely not alone. I think I spend most of the day feeding my son and his portions. Definitely look like this then. He'll also want to eat my food. All babies are different in the long run. I'm glad I've got a baby that loves his food. But I also do get scared that I am overfeeding him. I'm going to speak to the health visitor about it at his one year review
100% not alone, I posted in the BLW group on peanut about my daughters meal and got absolutely roasted for putting “too much” on the plate🙄 but my daughter eats what she wants and throws what she doesn’t want on the floor and she’s putting on weight perfectly xx
For my 1 year old it would be too much but if yours eats it all he obviously wants that amount they only eat what they want to