Bumps on my babies neck??

Trying to figure out what these bumps are from?? Heat? Cornstarch?? Help 😩
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That looks like heat rash 😔 my daughter gets it alot

My baby has it too!! Probably the heat its been in the 80’s + where i live

Mine has it too

I think it’s just heat bumps/heat rash because my 3m old son gets them sometimes. Breast milk helps with his! I whip up some shea butter, coconut oil and I add breast milk to it and it’s great for diaper rashes as well. If you don’t have shea butter then you can just use coconut oil and breast milk.

Mine gets it too from sleeping and being sweaty

@Ny’Ana thank you I will try this! Breast milk bath helped the inflammation a lot 🙏🏽

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