Absolutely! I am 6 months pregnant with my first and I have so much to do from moving, to all sorts of stuff. It’s stressful when I can’t remember the important stuff like today I got my tooth fixed and I forgot to tell them I have a retainer and I’m freaking out crying. As well as loosing my birth certificate and I just got married so I need to get a new one to change my last name ugh I wish I had a better memory.
God yes, I've been so stuck recently, can't do anything can't get anything finished. Today was a good day though, managed to do lots of work that's been needed. I wonder if it's because I've finally started feeling better in pregnancy, 16 weeks today and finally the nausea seems to be going away. Definitely more bad days than good atm
@Corrinne oh wow, no wonder you are stressed! That’s a lot for anyone. We’re all just out here doing our best aren’t we? I just wish it wasn’t so difficult and it’s so hard to explain to someone who hasn’t got it. Sending lots of love!
@Charley oh the nausea is horrendous isn’t it? Makes it so difficult to do things, on top of everything else. I’m glad you’re feeling better ☺️ Congrats and keep going 🥰
Yeppppp. It’s weird to label it after all this time because I’ve never Known any different but I’m struggling definitely. 7 months pregnant and haven’t eaten yet today and I have a headache. Tried a bath because of how tired I am but after over 2 hours in there I just want to go to bed but NEED to eat 😢
The struggle is real 🤦🏻♀️😭 I just want to start eating so I can take my meds but then I get distracted and now 2 hours go by and I haven't eaten, I have cried so much and all I want to do is take my beautiful baby boy to a water park🙏
@Elisha why is eating so difficult? I’ve not really eaten today, just had loads of coffee to keep me going 🙄 hope you get a good nights sleep when you’ve eaten 💗
@Ashley 😭 oh I feel ya! I feel like my emotions are all over the place and I can’t stop crying. It’s awful! Sending lots of love 💗
@Lilly it’s horrible isn’t it? I find life and all its responsibilities and pressures so unbelievably overwhelming. I feel like I just need a break away from everything and everyone, even my daughter which makes me feel so guilty. But at the same time I just want to be with her and cuddle her. It’s so confusing and awful 😞 hope you’re okay ❤️
@Abbie SERIOUSLY I HATE this, like I knew I had an issue but since actually beeing diagnosed I feel like everything intensives and once that happens...mommy needs a time out, I'll go hide somewhere
I struggle daily with it 😭
I completely understand that concern! I actually had an allergic reaction to two of them I tried, I actually heard about gene testing... Basically the way I understand it was: It's the "allergy test" version for medication to see which meds work better for your body chemistry I actually have my test on Wednesday It's just a cheek swab
@Lilly yeah I think that’s what bothers me too, knowing it’s never going to go 😞
@Ashlyn right here with you ❤️
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@Laura it’s a little bit of trial and error tbh. The ones I’m on now are pretty good for motivation and focus with little side effects. Nothing helps the emotional dysregulation or hypersensitivity though
@Lilly it’s just so difficult isn’t it? I get so overwhelmed and burnt out so easily but they’re not things I can avoid 😩😭 Just wish I could do everyday things and not feel like I need to take a week off from doing anything at all.