Struggling working full time and UC
I’m a single mum, I work full time and I own a shared ownership property.
I’m fortunately entitled to some UC to help with childcare (two days a week, as 2 days sons dad family help) and the rent part of my property, however I’m really struggling to make ends meet.
I pay the mortgage, top up of childcare and all other bills on my own.
Is there anything else that can help?
I’m actively trying to get a better paid job, although I don’t earn bad money now, and I’m aware the more money I earn the less UC I am entitled too.
My son’s dad does help monthly as well.
I had savings but they have been completely drained from both covering bills and giving myself a social life 😂
Has anyone been in a similar situation and is there any extra help?
How old is your son? After 2 he should be eligible for 15 hours funding and when he’s 3 30 hours, u could look at your local council ? I also heard that soon the amount u can get paid before deductions from universal credit is going up that would help aswell xx