Gaining too much weight

Currently 17 weeks and have gained 17 pounds. I have struggled with extreme hunger between 11 and 14 weeks so that’s not helped at all, and now it’s turned into hunger every hour or so. Plus it doesn’t help that baby is making me only want sweet stuff. It’s extremely easy for me to put on weight, have been very overweight my whole life and only got down do a good weight a year ago after hard work. This weight gain is really getting to me as I know that’s far too much at this stage. Anyone else in a similar situation?
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Hey! I’m in the same situation as you completely. I’m already plus size and was trying so hard to lose weight when I got pregnant. I’m so grateful that I did as I thought my PCOS and weight were stopping me (when in reality it was stress) but I’m feeling down about feeling so big and heavy, especially for being 18 weeks when other people can still be quite petite! And I just can’t stop eating. I know it probably doesn’t help as I don’t have answers but just know you’re not alone!

@Gopi thank you! It feels so isolating in a way. Especially when people around you say that you shouldn’t be eating for two or try keep to a good weight. It’s so difficult when I’m constantly hungry. Terrified to go to my midwife app next week as she will find out how much I’ve gained

I don't know if you've ever done slimming world but you are allowed to do it in pregnancy, not to lose weight but to help not put on too much. You can eat lots of stuff unlimited too just healthier options. I did it in my last pregnancy and it helped me not put on too much.

Oh I’m sorry to hear you’re terrified for your appointment! I’m sure it’ll be fine and I hope that you can maybe confide in her with how you feel and they can give you some reassurance. I agree with everyone saying you need to eat healthily and it’s so hard when all you want to do is scoff down food! I feel your pain.

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