has anyone had an ECV?

i had my 37 week scan today and turns out my midwife was wrong my baby is frank breech and i have to go in to the labour ward tomorrow so they can try turn him, i have an anterior placenta and i’ve heard from others and online that they won’t be able to turn him or it will be unsuccessful because of where my placenta is, also does it hurt? what are the chances of something going wrong during it? does anyone have any advice or tips im also so scared this is my first baby and i feel like i’ve failed abit
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I opted out of ECV and decided to have a c-section for my breech baby. I spent ages researching the risks and they outweighed the benefits for me. My baby hadn’t turned since 28 weeks so I was worried there was a reason he had stayed breech, eg was stuck tangled in the cord or something. Some ECVs end in emergency c-section there and then if the baby gets too distressed. I’m sure people will have success stories too, just do your research and see what feels right for you.

So my baby was head down until my last scan showed baby sat upright. I cried my eyes out because I knew if they didn’t turn my birth would become medicalised. I did opt for an ECV and my hubby who watched said it was horrendous because they are physically trying to turn baby around. So if we ever found ourselves in the same position again we wouldn’t. Do it. Safe to say we went for a semi elective c-section. It was beautiful, very relaxed and controlled and just one of the best days of our lives for sure. This was our first baby.

@Dianne so happy i’m not the only one who cried! i felt so weak when i did but ive always wanted to go natural, im so scared something bad will happened during them trying to turn him, they were rushing to get an answer of what i wanted to happen now i just don’t know what to do?

@Maddie I couldn’t even enjoy the last scan so much because I was just so frustrated. Then all the questions of - so what are you going to do! It even caused arguments between me and my hubby because it completely threw me off. But Really think about it - I wanted a natural delivery so bad that I opted for the ECV but ultimately it came down to safe delivery and us both being ok.

@Dianne hey can i ask if you had any pain relief? as i know a few people who did but i wasnt offered anything, my baby turned to transverse last night and i had it done today and omg it was so painful, i read up some people found it painful some only found it uncomfortable but i usually have a high pain tolerance but today i was literally grabbing onto the sides of the bed for dear life and after the second try i had tears coming out it hurt so much it now hurts everytime i move and i feel like my stomach is bruised all over and worse bit is after 3 tries baby didn’t move one bit! if i ever fall pregnant again and get offered an ecv im saying no straight away

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