
My boyfriend and Childs dad has just decided he doesn’t want to be either of those anymore 🥺 I feel absolutely broken, I’ve begged him to have the baby while I go to work he won’t he says he’s the provider (I just can’t afford the nursery fees right now) and now said all I do is rinse him and ask him for stuff after my rent and car insurance I’m left with 20 pounds for my daughter I’m now absolutely terrified how I’m going to support my child I’m having to sell my car which we live like in the middle of nowhere so it was an essential pointless me going through csa because he works cash in hand for his mate doing rubbish pickups and stuff… I’m absolutely heart broken I love him so much how do people get over this hurt and just a little explanation on myself I have severe anxiety disorder I have no family so I’m pretty secluded I feel like my life is just going to spiral😩😩 sorry for the post I just need some advice
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benefits pay my rent I’m left with 400 pounds and my car insurance is 416 (the cheapest I could get) I don’t mind him not paying rent because I don’t actually pay it myself I pay the car insurance myself and he just buys food and stuff my daughters nearly 2 and sleeps with me because I can’t afford to do her bedroom and it takes months for him to actually do stuff when I ask him to, yeah he has done a lot for me since I had my daughter but I feel like because he’s refusing to look after her while I go to work then he should provide.. if I went to work and paid the rent myself I would be paying nearly 1000 pounds rent and 1000 pound nursery fees and still wouldn’t survive. I text him explaining everything and how it’s affected us and he just said I’ve nothing to say nomore he says I moan at him because he goes to pub after work and even when he’s not at work and all I want is for him to come home and help out I pretty much am a single parent in a relationship it’s heartbreaking 🥺💔

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