
I’m 22 +4 and I work in a nursery with chickenpox going around, my little boy caught it which he is over now but my partner never had it as a child so he has now got it. My midwife keeps telling me it’s fine because I’ve had chickenpox as a child but I just can’t seem to stop worrying about it as I’ve obviously heard of people having chickenpox more than once before! Just wondered if anyone has any advice, my midwife only works Tuesday, Wednesday and the only other contact is triage but I don’t want to take up a place on the phone line when someone actually has an emergency x
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If you've not had it by now, your immune system has likely done its job. Likelihood is you and your partner would get it the same time.

It is extremely rare to get it twice and you would’ve had to of had a very light case and caught it under 1 year old. Like @Charlie said you would have it already since you were exposed at the same time. Chances are extremely likely you will not catch it.

You could ask for a IgG VZV blood test that will check your immunity for chicken pox it might ease your mind, my mum had shingles recently and my sister has never had chicken pox so I was petrified she caught chicken pox from mums shingles (as it’s the same virus and you can only get chicken pox from shingles) I asked for a VZV blood test to check my immunity to be sure and it put me at ease. No one caught anything xxx

I spoke to several people last week about this (gp,midwife, MAU, hospital) as I don't know if I had it as a child and my son got it. They said only risk is if you have not had it..even with my uncertainty they didn't seem overly panicked. Sent my booking bloods away on Friday to test for immunity and told me to ring back after 5 days x

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