I've lived in a 1 bdrm with 2 kids. we did travel size items they're smaller and can be put away to Make space when not in use. But all I had was a bassinet or playpen and a swing
The only items out of everything we were giving that we used was the baby swing and a little carry around bassinet. The pack and play was never used because she had all the floor space. For us what worked too was no shoes allowed at all in the house because since it’s a small space you wanna give the baby all the space possible to crawl around without getting yuckiness from outside
You'll need Feeding : bottles, bibs, cleaning brush , pacifiers Clothing: bodysuits. Onesies, socks, blankets(a few soft a few thin) Cleaning: baby safe detergent & dish soap, wipes, diapers, wash clothes, baby wash, towels Medicine: a simple rash cream(aquaphor baby), grooming kit(should have nail clipper brush ect),lotion Ect: car seat, stroller, baby sleep area(play yard makes that super easy) diaper bag activity chair Extra: bouncer, car seat toys, bottle warmer, tummy time mat(not needed because you can do tummy time anywhere) carrier, baby monitor, diaper organizer, breast pump & bags, drying rack, swaddles(can be done with blankets), crib
We live in a one bed flat with our baby girl who is currently 6 weeks old. Feel free to message me and I can show you around 😂 we’ve come up with some funky solutions
I used to live in a small one bedroom with my then husband and we had first a Moses basket next to my side of the bed, and then when he grew out of that a pack and play as a crib right at the end of the bed. That really helped and I felt pretty secure knowing he was right there, plus saved space.
Co sleeping is the way in a tiny space it's just better than tripping over baby crap all night
Girl we lived in an extended stay with 2 kids a while ago. We turned the walk in closet into their bedroom lol You'll always find a way for your babies 🤣
We used a porta crib for sleeping. The co-sleeping thing didn't work for us. And in hindsight I'm glad. It isn't easy to change a babies sleep habits. And it had storage underneath for cloths and diapers and stuff. Changing table and dresser for baby are totally optional. We used the bed to change on and a hanging organizer for more storage. A blanket on the floor for tummy time. The baby swing got donated and was never used. Stroller lived in the car. Sometimes you just got to be creative with the space you have. We lived in a one bedroom when our baby was born too. Then we moved into a hotel, then an RV. We finally got a 3 bed room when baby was 18 months. (Military wife hence the craziness). But I still use the hanging organizer for all the kid's clothes.
Thank you all so much for this advice! More than that, it's reassuring to know that I'm not alone. ❤️
My daughters now 1 1/2 and we’ve been in our one bedroom apt 500sq ft since before she was born for me I quickly learned that my apt never looks clean it’ll look straightened up but every where you look you’ll see something that belongs to her. I co slept and still co sleep with my daughter I would say get a bigger bed we had a queen size when she first came but as she got bigger either me or my husband were getting kicked to the edge so a king worked great, we don’t have a frame just a box spring it helped her independence on getting on and off the bed herself.