Today is my son's birthday!

I'm trying to come up with fun things to do with him that are inside only (car issues right now so I can't really go anywhere). So far I've given him his present and we have had pizza, and we baked cookies together. His nap is coming up soon but we will need post nap activities. Suggestions?
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Build a Bear (if you get birthday bear it only costs as much as the age your child is turning)

You can paint with water! If you have empty paper towel or toilet paper rolls, those are great to paint.

Build a fort with couch cushions/blankets, if you have crayons or play doh let him play with those, make a sensory bin with rice, water, jello, crushed cheerios there’s tons of options, if it’s warm outside/you have a yard let him play in the water or find sticks/rocks to play with, chalk outside, editing to add you can make cupcakes or a cake together too and have him help decorate it or even cake pops

Make edible clay (made with flour and water)

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