Wake windows and naps

How long are your wake windows and how are you entertaining them? I settled into a bit of a routine with nap times for my twins and I’m not sure whether I’m just boring them, or they’re actually awake too long. Sometimes, after an hour they’ll get ratty and tired but won’t sleep, others say after 2/2.5 hours they’ll be sooo tired but fight their sleep, then other times it’ll be vice versa and with 2 of them, it’s intense! Any tips or advice? One struggling mumma 😣 Picture of the cuties to remind me they’re not little devils all the time 🩵🩷
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Omg they are adorable 😍 I have no advice but just wanted to say you are incredible to be a twin mum, can’t imagine how tough it is!

I’m sorry I don’t have any tips at the moment but just wanting to say 1. Tooo cute 😍😍😍 and 2. I’m going through the same at the moment, my LO is 20 weeks and past 2 weeks had a cold and then a v+d bug which has completely thrown off our routine of wake windows and naps - she fights me at bed time at the moment and just seems tired and whiney in her wake windows - so you’re not alone. Hopefully some of our fellow December mums might have some tips for us! Xx

I’ve found wake windows vary based on how solid the nap before was - sometimes he’s really well rested and happy to be up 2-3 hours but sometimes he’s woken himself up too soon (after just 40 mins for example) and then is cranky and needs a nap within an hour. I think with my LO the trick is trying to make his naps at least 2 cycles long and waiting after he wakes to see if he is still sleepy or bright eyed before getting him up properly. Definitely a dark art and have not got it sussed at all but it’s my current approach! Ps - I am obsessed with your blow up chairs!! Where are they from?

@Niyati you can buy from Amazon, I bought yesterday AirSwim Baby Inflatable Seat for... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BQ69VTKH?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Your babies are so cute. My twins wake windows are about 2 hours sometimes shorter sometimes longer. I use huckleberry I absolutely love it it’s so accurate at predicting when they’ll be ready for a nap. 1st wake window I’ll change feed burp ect. Then we’ll chill out together in bed with some toys then I let them watch a bit of ms Rachel so I can have a cup of tea. Another wake window they’ll usually sit on the bed in the spare bedroom with a toy. I put some music on and they watch me hang up the washing and do the ironing. Then the other times I do tummy time, the jungle gym or lay on a mat with a load of toys. I’ve also got a baby bath that they don’t use anymore so I’ll sometimes put one in that with a blanket and some toys.

Omg they are ADORABLE!! Love those chairs also!

Thanks everyone!! I’ll have a play around with their wake windows and see what suits them best xx

@Niyati I’ll send you the link if i can find it!! they’re amazing xx

That's so cute omg

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