Am I the only one not bathing my kid every day?

I read some people do daily baths. We maybe bathe once a week. Is that bad? We do it when either a) she's dirty from either poop or spit up. b) when we feel we haven't bathed her in a while or c) I have milk in the fridge that isn't consumable and can be used in a bath.
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I bathe the same amount as you. I feel like bathing him every day would dry his skin out, plus my boyfriend isn’t home early enough every night for him to be bathed every night and i’m not confident enough to do it by myself yet. maybe it will change once it gets hotter and we are spending more time outside, but right now once a week works perfect for us.

Once a week here as well, and also if he got sweaty from outside or a big poop got all over. Daily dries out their skin. And at this age, they're not really getting "dirty" every day!

I bathe my baby once or twice a week and clean her up with a wet washcloth in between.

They don’t even recommend more than twice a week for anyone less than 3 months

We bathe 2x a week. Usually Wednesday and then one of the weekend days Our pediatrician originally told us 2x a week and we’ve kinda stuck with it lol

Nope we do twice a week unless they blow out but even then we just washcloth their lower half. But for routine sake I still always put the same lotion on before bedtime on non bath nights

I bathe mine every other day sometimes more depending on blowouts or being outside etc I wanna start bathing her everyday soon

Hey We give our baby girl a bath every night and moisturize her before dressing her. Our pediatrician actually recommended we do that as a part of our bedtime routine. It doesn’t dry out her skin and she sleeps through the night. It also helps with cleaning the sweat/milk in her neck folds.

Nah I'm in the same boat. I think I've given my kid a full on bath like 5 times since we brought him home... 😳🙃🙈 I also have an almost 2 year old so it's not easy to get 1 on 1 time. But I wipe him down with a wet cloth any time he needs it and always check the folds for lint and gunk. I also give like a bottom half bath if he has a blowout. Just dunk him under the faucet to clean.

I give my kids showers/bathes every other day to 2 days and my 2 months old once a week unless she craps herself, bottle leaks all over her, and spit up.

We did 1-2 times a week for the first few weeks. I started having a lot of guilt but I think it’s fairly common, and baths were stressing him and us out a lot, causing worse witching hours. We now bath only every now and then (with a thin breathable muslin blanket lightly on top of him in a bath seat to help keep warmth and comfort) but have introduced showers most nights as our LO sleeps so much better with one. Not every night will we do a full clean, as we would in a bath though, some nights it’s simply a few minutes of warm water and a cuddle to help soothe and prepare him for bed. You just do what feels right for you and your little one. 🧡🧡

I bathed my first almost every night, his skin got dry and his hair thinned out a lot, my second I am doing what you’re doing and his skin has been much better and he’s kept his full head of hair 🤷🏻‍♀️ he gets wiped down often but not a full bath unless needed.

We do a bath 2-4x a week, but don’t always use soap or get his hair wet. Sometimes it’s just water, mostly because my boy enjoys it and it relaxes him before bedtime. Usually we do a bath, I nurse him, and he falls right asleep!

Yupp 1-2x/ week for us! I do just wash up quick with a warm wash cloth under her neck and her but daily before bed though!

The only reason she gets bathed everyday is because I go to the gym in the morning and he’s not here and she also doesn’t sleep long enough sometimes for me to shower so she sits in her chair with me in the shower. And she also spits up and sweats a lot so yeah there’s that too

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1-2 a week is perfectly fine

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