Going to leave my fiance

Should I get a lawyer before I even tell him I want to split, for custody purposes? I don’t trust my fiance around my baby I want full custody.
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Or should I tell him then get a lawyer

What did he do ?

@Sarah he’s abused me for 11 years

Omg so sorry 😢 yes leave him. You don’t need that in your life . Besides only happiness. Please seek help if you need to ok

Yea get your ducks in a row first. Stay safe.

@Sarah I’m going to seek therapy after I leave. He’s only hit me a few times but there’s been mental, emotional , financial and narcissistic abuse for many years. I’ve wanted to leave for a very, very long time. I believe I formed a trauma bond with him the more I research about abuse.

@Sarah I’m very scared of him. I don’t want that for my baby.

Because there's been abuse in the past I would probably hire a lawyer before telling him. Get your lawyers advice on the matter about how to safely leave. And I would tell him on your way out the door so that you have a safe exit. I know where I live you can actually have a cop escort you and your belongings out if he's someone you are afraid of. If its not that serious of a fear you can probably just have a close friend or family member present when you are leaving to make sure you get away without conflict. Be safe girl!!

I’m so sorry you’ve gone through this but I’m so proud of you for recognising you and your baby deserve better and this is never ok. X

Lawyer first. Definitely.

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