Day naps for mommy

What hacks do you all have to take a nap in the daytime while baby is sleeping? I have trouble going to sleep in the day.
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*Get a really good sleep mask (this is the one I have and love - *Play brown noise (lower frequency white noise) it sounds more like a fan and helps your brain rest by drowning out any ambient noise like garbage trucks, dogs etc. *Put your phone away. Across the room if you cant set it down and ignore it. *Turn on a fan or AC so the temp is cool and comfortable and you can snuggle in with a soft blanket. *Turn off your brain by focusing on a singular thought. I often picture waves lapping on a beach or a waterfall in the forest or sometimea just the color blue and push out any other thoughts. My mom used to try and walk through her childhood home remembering as much detail as possible. Your brain gets tired and just tunes out and you fall asleep pretty quick if you drown out your other thoughts. Basically sensory deprivation.... 1/2

If you have trouble just thinking about everything you need to do, download to-do app by Microsoft and do a brain dump so it's all there and you wont forget it you stop thinking about it. You can make separate lists for whatever needed. I have one for groceries, one for misc purchases, one for house projects, one for random to-do, packing lists, house organization or cleaning tasks, anything. If all else fails, find a guided sleep meditation on youtube. Those always helped me fall asleep when I was having trouble and had limited time. If you dont actually fall asleep, you will still feel more rested following it. 2/2

I also will sometimes cosleep for naps. Side lying nursing and then just snuggle baby. I obviously don't sleep as deeply when he is there because my brain is still aware of him, but I still feel more rested. The snuggles release the oxytocin too so you just feel relaxed even if you dont sleep deeply.

@Carina agree with everything you said and sometimes I’ll put on the white noise and myself too will fall asleep

@Keela the brown noise is literally my favorite to sleep with. I'm always super drowsy when its playing too. Haha

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