What does this mean?

This is all what my husband just told me “I’m unhappy” “I don’t feel like myself” “ I like being alone being around people make me uneasy” “ being a husband and dad is stressful, being alone is easy don’t have to worry about anything” “ I rather be alone because I’m comfortable” what should I do? After he told me eveything he said he didn’t mean it. I’m scared… is my marriage falling apart? Am I not enough?
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He may just need some alone time. My fiance and I trade off on who gets alone time to go on a walk or exercise alone. This helps us both come back and be present together as a family

Could be depression or social anxiety. Someone with depression might use isolation as a coping mechanism to avoid human interaction and deal with excessive worry.

We had this problem and i honestly felt the same way. We prioritize individual time. we have days where i watch my son and he’ll do his own thing to rewind and vice versa whether thats at home or doing something outside the house! And we’ll sneak in a date night once or twice a week😊

@Romina Del Bosque I offered to give him more alone time when he comes home from work or whenever. He just said no he doesn’t want it. I even offered getting a hotel for a couple nights just to give him some time. I believe he gets a lot of time to himself. He goes to the gym everyday after work for 2 hours, he goes to concerts, hangs out with friends, plays his video games for hours. But I will give him as much as he needs.

@Hannah I will talk to him again and bring that up. He’s not very good about talking about his feelings he thinks it’s stupid, or cowardly.

Definitely sounds like a bit of anxiety and/or depression! You should encourage him to talk to someone. Both try and schedule in some me time once a week if possible, could be doing a hobby for an hour, going to the gym or just some alone time chilling. Important that you get this opportunity also. If possible try and schedule in some time every so often just you and your partner. I know it’s easier said than done but can make such a difference x

I feel like your husband. For me is living in the UK away from everyone. I lived here for many years but I was always busy working and being single. Now that im a sahm is a completely different life. I told mine these, and he agrees and feels the same way. Is like we are at the waiting room waiting for our turn to live. We decided to move to his home country where it has a better quality of life. Your marriage is not falling apart. He is opening and saying how he feels. Try and be there for him, give him alone time to find a hobby or focus on something that brings him joy. He will have to find that. You maybe just encourage him.

@Etrika I have always been his number one fan since day one. I let him game for as long as he wants, I let him sleep in. I try to give him everything and anything cause he does so much for our family. I just wonder if me giving him everything he needs and wants gonna be enough?

@Sarah everyday after work he goes to the gym for two hours then comes home and is in the bathroom for an hour 30. I try and let him get his time cause I know he needs it more than me. I will ask him more about depression tomorrow because that is a very serious topic. Thank you. I believe I overreacted a little just very scared he was gonna say he didn’t want to be with me anymore. Cause lately he hasn’t touched me in weeks and has been rude and snappy at me for a month now.

Validate what you can. It *is* stressful being a parent. It *is* easier not having to worry about others' needs. Surely you can relate to that? Thank him for sharing his feelings with you. It probably was not easy for him to say! Remind yourself that he trusts you enough to say these things to you. That's so good! Now, from here its time to get specific. What interactions caused him stress this week? When was he most unhappy? In what ways does his family life not look the way he expected. Try to listen without jumping in and work through these things together. Your marriage will be stronger because of it. Remind him you on the same team. There may be tasks you can trade, trade off, or delegate completely that would help him feel more involved but less stressed. He may actually be more comfortable if he was more involved and had more ownership of tasks. What are his strengths and how can he use them to feel appreciated in the family? It is scary to hear this, but don't assume the worst!

“Am I not enough” you’ll have to ask him directly that hard question coz unfortunately we cannot answer that for you. I was gonna say, most men w women on this app don’t have friends, hobbies, breaks so that may be that’s what he needs but reading your replies above that’s not even it coz he has all of that. So sit him down and directly ask him “am I not enough for you…” Also- have you been on dates? Monthly date nights w no kids is what keeps our marriage healthy….he may mean he’s overstimulated with DAD life, and maybe he wants more quality time w you? Some dads may feel like they’re losing their wife coz their wife is always attending to the kids, the house. Maybe plan a romantic date night and see if his mood changes? He could just miss you. But he can’t spend time w you, coz you’re always with the kids.

I know it’s hard but try not to take it personally, it sounds like it’s about something he is going through and not related to his feelings for you ❤️ honestly I’ve said all those things myself recently (apart from about being a dad obviously 😂) but I’ve had depression and anxiety because of pregnancy but it still sounds like the exact symptoms of depression and social anxiety so maybe talk to him more about it and how he’s feeling and try make sure he knows he’s not being judged and see if he’s open to therapy or something? I’d say the main thing is to not rush him into recovering or make him feel guilty or useless for feeling that way because that will make things so much worse just try to be supportive and make sure he knows it’s not that uncommon and he’s not alone in feeling that way and it’s temporary and that you’re there for him xx

@Lona it makes things so hard when men feel that discussing feelings is unmanly or stupid 😞 society has a lot to answer for with that one…think it’s one of the reasons mental health problems are such a big issue for men

@Lona girlie u weren't over reacting this is serous and the way you feel is Okey id be scared to but mabye have a sit down talk and see if mabye there is something else or ask him if he in need of something I don't think people just say that for no reason but you should have a deep talk and see what's really wrong I hope he opens up and I hope it goes well for you girlie

If you need someone to talk to I’m willing to listen. Just went through something similar myself & working through it. I know you may feel a bit confused & lost but you’re a strong momma & sometimes you hit a rough patch hopefully it’s something you could work on together tho. I truly understand what you’re going through , we’re in quite similar situations my husband said stuff just like that (possibly a bit more harsh) & I felt that when you said you will give him as much as he needs. My husband is also not good at discussing his emotions/feelings he tends to bottle them up. I’m here if you want to reach out or just vent anymore.

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Sounds a bit depressed 💔

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