That's excellent!! Go Mama. What running pram do you have? I was told I couldn't go til 6-9 months with the baby so I'm excited to hear how is it?
@Lauren I was also hesitant as my son wouldn't sit in the buggy for too long. We had one successful walk where he fell asleep, that gave me a little faith. Just bring snacks on your run 😝
@Vicky I have this buggy. So I started when my son was 5.5months. He has good head control and can sit up for some periods of time, so I was confident. Don't get me wrong, I frequently check on him during the run and I take walking breaks. I try to run a flat route but if I must go up or down a hill I walk it. Since I'm still on maternity leave ice decided to go on a parkrun tour 😁 so far we've done 2 together.
@Michelle Here it is. It's definitely hard especially if u have unexpected elevation along ur route! How are u finding it otherwise?
@Michelle oh go for it. I know it's 'long" having to get baby ready and lug the buggy, snacks etc but I feel so accomplished once I'm out there. I've become even more obsessed with running now than I was pre baby lols
I ran with the buggy for the first time today! My lo is 18 months. It was the first time I’d ran in 3 years so it was HARD. I got a Hauck runner second hand off marketplace incase I don’t keep it up x
@vicky that's amazing! I nearly got that buggy. I hope you're running journey gets easier
@Chaniqua went again this morning, it was still a struggle but I’ve not done much exercise since she was born ( single mum so with my toddler all the time if I’m not at work) so I know it’ll get easier as I get fitter x
@vicky - persevere 😆
@Laura - this is amazing 👏🏾 does little one sleep the whole run? Or do they just chill out? I've got a race booked for Sunday so I'll see if I'm any quicker without thr buggy
@Chaniqua I’ll bet anything you’ll be quicker without the buggy ☺️ I’m back to an average of 10min mile on a hilly route with no buggy, only 30 secs of pre pregnancy fitness on the hills. Lo sleeps more chills out, depends on time of day and how tired he is xx
Amazing well done, I have been thinking to start but this has been the motivation to get going, thanks