My own mom

I just posted last night and I’m already back for another 🤦🏻‍♀️ we held a dinner at our house with my husbands family and my mom and her husband, this is their first time meeting. My mom was talking to one of his sisters and starts on a rant saying “if men could get away with it all men would cheat on their wives” and I made a face and she said “oh Jill doesn’t want to hear this” and laughs as my husband is standing behind me holding our son. And I said no I don’t want to hear jokes about it when my sister is going through a divorce because her husband kept cheating on her and she said “I’m not joking it’s true chuck(her husband) said even he would if he could get away with it.” And I bit my tongue( I could’ve said “maybe I won’t take advice on men from a woman who has been married 6 times), finished the food, and went into my bathroom and calmed myself. Came out and decided to not talk to her the rest of the night so my mood wouldn’t be soured anymore by her comments. She then started sulking on the couch ignoring his family the rest of the night and when I texted my sister about our mothers comments she sent a screenshot of a text my mother sent her(it will be attached) and when I stepped outside with my SIL to talk, about 10-15 minutes later outside my mom and her husband come walking down the stairs completely ignore me and look at SIL and say “it was nice meeting you” and walked away without a glance towards me. I have 5 more days of her 🙃 yall give me strength 😂😂😂
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Your mother is so messy 😳 how inappropriate and just plain embarrassing for her to be acting like that at her big age

Trying to stir trouble in every possible way

Also ick at her “smile beautiful” comment to your sister…. Like does she ever give it a rest 🥵 Unless I’m misreading that and she’s saying she’s smiling beautifully

Oh deaaaar. Why 5 more days? You had her over for a week? Is she living long distance from you? I mean you could just laugh it off and say mom you're such a cynic aren't you. Lol it's obviously her story she's telling which sounds very very sad xx

Just read your last post... Deffo elope! Lol xx

I was trying to be the bigger person and invite her to Texas for a week, she’s in Florida. I’m one day in and I’m already exhausted 😭 we just had a super long text message argument of her saying I’m too sensitive, I take things too personal, and I can’t take a joke. And she said I yelled at her and disrespected her and embarrassed myself. I asked my husband and SIL if I yelled and they said I wasn’t yelling at all and I just said “not all men cheat that’s a generalization” which what part of that is disrespectful. She said “if you don’t like my opinions then walk away” and I was like girly?? You’re in? My house? If YOU don’t like what I GOTTA SAY then you can walk away 😂

@Jill "If you don't like my opinion then walk away" So she admits, that's an opinion; not a fact? Because I know men that would not, could not, and will not ever cheat. You can't say things like that, and it's pitiful her husband would say that he would cheat on her. I'd be done with the trip and tell her to go back to Florida, that you only want to take care of one child crying. Bye mom! 👋🏼

Who says that in a room full of couples? I would be one thing if it were single people but jeeeeeez.

So messy omg 😳

Cut her out

Although what she said is true, she shouldn’t have said it out loud.

@Rachle I don’t agree that what the MIL said is true. Maybe your husband would but there are lots of us in happy, healthy, loving relationships that do not agree with a statement like that!

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