@Teghan yeah i agree that the stakes are higher while dating so id have to be pretty light hearted about it. thank you!
I did when I was pregnant but I felt sad the whole time because I was abandon during pregnancy by everyone and my bf at the time left without saying why
@alleah i’m sorry you went through that girl
I think there’s a lot of fetishizing. Everyone’s journey looks different. I would just be sure to protect yourself physically and emotionally, as well as your baby. There’s genuine people everywhere
@Monét I agree. Janaya, Be very mindful because there are guys who date or get into relationships with pregnant women because they are pregnant. Just like porn for this type of fetish. Just be careful. Although there are fetish for pregnant women. There is also fetish for women who have or just had a baby. Have the right questions and have fun if your just dating
i didnt date while pregnant but i have now that my baby’s here and i mean as long as they know girl go on them dates it’s fun lol. but also if your going on dates not just for fun and to actually find someone you just gotta think how they would be around the baby. i say do it tho 🤷♀️