I had an emergency ceaseran and I was never told any information but, my midwife said I can always request it by calling the doctors x
@Tammy yep! My mum thinks I should go to the doctor for a check over as can’t believe there’s no official check over after. They didn’t even look at my 6 week follow up
@Beth sounds a good comment 👍 I have loads of little niggles with it but as busy as we are put all my time into my LO rather than myself at the doctors now! 🫣
@Sarah You had a 6 week follow up, I didn’t have one? 😂 I mean I would have gone to the doctor but it’s awful trying to get through to my GP, let alone try and get an appointment because they’re always fully booked!
@Tammy yeah where they just told me about Contraception! 😜
I had a six week check up and they looked at my scar but no one told me anything about after care other than no stairs and no lifting other than my baby. I couldn’t wait to go home but i struggled once I was home mainly because getting up or even laying down was so painful and I didn’t have a recliner to help me move up or down like in the hospital
Mine was an emergency c section and I had the surgeon come down the morning after and explained what happened but otherwise literally nothing, no advice or anything, wasn’t told not to drive or not to lift etc, I only knew this from what I’d read. I booked my 6 week check with my gp and they didn’t even ask about how my scar was healing literally just forced contraception on me
Mine was planned and I stayed in the hospital for two days. They checked on me regularly and advised me to walk but not too much. Once I got home it was very hard to move around, pick up my baby but I had help from my husband. I was told only soap and water to wash my scar and I was sent home with pink soap from the hospital. They checked on me at my 6 weeks mark and I even had an appointment just for them to check my scar and get the glue peeled which was already falling off. I would say my experience was well and I had a great doctor that always advised me what to do. However, I definitely underestimated the pain.
I didn't get told anything after my emergency c section either, it wasn't until my checkup after leaving hospital and the several times I've been to urgent care that they've given me information I was confused about or just had no idea
Mine was planned after en ECV and I didn't get to see the midwife before the surgery so all I had a was the info I found online. They did hand me a leaflet on recovery when I was discharged from the hospital.
I had an emergency section and as amazing as the staff were at looking after me as I had to stay overnight no after care was told to me and it wasn’t even explained why I’d ended up having the section. Luckily I’m now nearly a year postpartum and everything’s ok but I won’t be having another 😂
My c-section wasn’t planned so my midwife never spoke about it to me. The aftercare I received in the hospital was awful and they didn’t give me any information about aftercare except ‘don’t lift anything else but your baby’ the day I went home a nurse took of my plaster from my c-section scar and forgot to put another one back on (I didn’t know they had to so I didn’t question it) when I went for my 5 day check up to weigh my baby the nurses had asked to see my scar and if it was healing nicely. I had showed them and they were distraught that they didn’t put another plaster on before I left the hospital. I was very lucky that my sister-in-law had a c-section a few months beforehand so I asked her everything and anything I could about what I should be doing!