I had 1 emergency and 2 electives and my 3rd elective next month? My first three I never felt nausous during or after on any xx
Sounds promising Thanks🤍
I felt sick during, but I was given anti-sickness meds straight away, and they helped straight away. I didn’t feel sick after, but I was conscious of what I ate. So very dry/bland foods, as I tried fruit and I couldn’t stomach it x
I also have this and let them know before it started. They were really nice about it and said to tell them if I felt sick and they’d give more anti-sickness meds. I felt a little sick at the beginning but it went away really quickly after more anti-sickness and then I felt completely fine afterwards
I was but they called me an unusual case as despite the anti-emetics I threw up several times during the procedure and felt nauseous for ages afterwards. You'll most likely be okay.
I vomited twice during my section despite the anti sickness meds, and then again after I ate something a few hours later
Ugh thanks! You had to have c-section or were these elective ones? I am so indecisive but reading your experiences makes vaginal ones sound easier
Hi, just here to offer sympathy as I used to suffer very badly from emetophobia and pregnancy has been v triggering for me. I hope you're doing OK xxxx
@Emily and @Steph how long after did you feel sick for? Hours, days or longer?
Thank you Katie🤍 it’s been tough, can’t wait to get it over with Hope you’re doing all right too!
Sending you support, you're not alone x
@Katie G during the section, it was literally for a few mins and then once they administered the anti-sickness meds, the feeling went. After the section, maybe for like an hour or so? Once I had my toast and sugary tea I was fine ☺️
@Emily thanks so much for letting me know...that sounds bearable. Sugary tea sounds good!
@Katie G during the c section it was only a couple of minutes until they increased the anti-sickness meds and then it went away pretty quickly. I didnt feel sick at all after the procedure either
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@Steph thank you for letting me know 🙏 OP, i hope you are feeling OK. We have got through pregnancy so far so we can do this!
I felt sick during and they gave me more sickness meds and it eventually went away. I didn't feel sick afterwards. X
I also have emetophobia and it actually almost stopped me having children! I was absolutely fine during and after. I did labour beforehand and they gave me antisickness so I’m sure they can do that for you to help
I was under general anesthesia and completely asleep for mine so I can’t speak for during, but I didn’t have any nausea or anything afterwards!
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences!
I was not nauseous during or after - might have just been too exhausted as I was in labor for 5 days first though. Curious to see what percentage of people experienced this