All terrain/off road buggy

I’m desperately looking for an all terrain off road type buggy, out weekends consist of stock car racing and I can not for the life of me get our travel system round anymore as it’s mucky/grass/very rocky. I have seen the out n about nipper but unsure if I can justify £500 for it to simply get destroyed, but then again if I need to then so be it!! Looking for people who have tried and tested
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We have the icandy all terrain (we have a dog so always on dog walks through the woods etc) and it’s been amazing. We are selling ours for £300 but we are Hertfordshire sorry!

We have the hauck runner have tested it in mud and snow and up and down mountains and it’s great. Only thing is it’s quite heavy to lift into a car

I have the out and about as I live by the coast, I love it. Don’t even struggle on rough ground even large cobbles little one sleeps as suspension is super! Pushes easily over sand and the break makesdown hill so much easier! Highly recommend 😊

Love our Out and About. Found it second hand on a local Facebook Group for sale for less than £100. It's worth shopping around!

We have the out and about nipper sport, it’s amazing

I have the mountain buggy all terrain for running and like it ☺️

I borrow my friends bike trailer for this with the front wheel attachment - and its able to be hosed down and dry easily it’s just a cheep one from Halfords but does the job

Update incase anyone is following for their own sake! I went to a pram centre yesterday to speak to someone and as I needed it such short notice i was extremely limited on option- the out n about nipper v5 or the baby jogger summit x3. Of the two I tried them about the shop bumping up and down a few things I chose the baby jogger summit x3. It felt AMAZING, the suspension felt amazing, it was so “soft” and easy to push, plus the added benefits of a hand brake and it being taller so last longer. The out n about felt so solid that the suspension didn’t move, it was horrible on the bumps (my personal opinion!) and the handle on it was tiny!

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