Is this a miscarriage?

I’m currently 6 weeks pregnant, I have woke up today with cramps and when I wipe I am bleeding. Is this a miscarriage?
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Not necessarily! I had this at 13 weeks, twice, and it turned out to be the cells on my cervix bleeding, not caused from the baby. Mine stopped both times by lunch time. Hoping you have the same outcome! x

Ring the EPU and see if they can scan you because that’s how my miscarriage started early morning last year😞

@Julia I don’t think they would scan me because how early I am x

i had bleeding early pregnancy! midwives had me down as 8 weeks but i knew i was actually around 5-6 (i knew i ovulated late due to discharge lol), i could see baby on the scan n everything. please ring EPU and demand a scan. it will more than likely be a transvaginal ultrasound they give u xx

@Khira EPU will scan you from 6 weeks, definitely give them a call! Hoping for a positive outcome for you xx

@Khira At 6 weeks they can do an internal scan which is what I had to confirm my miscarriage and they will also do bloods to see what it’s at and repeat it 48 hours later x

Thank you everyone! I’ve been trying to get through to them and they aren’t answering? If they don’t answer should I just go to early assessment or normal a&e x

@Khira I’d go to early assessment rather than A&E because if you go to A&E they’ll probably send you to early assessment

Thank you I will go up there, I will keep you all updated x

I’ve been to the hospital and they have took my bloods and I have a scan tomorrow! While waiting I passed a blood clot so at the moment I’m not feeling very hopeful and I’m absolutely gutted so if anyone has been in a similar situation and the outcome was positive I would be open to hearing about it to give me some hope, thanks again for all your advice xx

@Khira I’m sure everything will work out fine, sending positive thoughts your way! xx

@Khira if your bleeding they will scan you I bled twice as wasn’t to sure a month apart second time I bled it was so painful call my GP they referred me to the hospital to get a scan done got my scan done a week or so later and confirmed my womb was open but to early to tell then got told I miscarried x

I had this around the same time and still had a healthy baby. I would worry if it lasts more than 2-3 days. Sometimes you can just still get your period early in the pregnancy from what my doc told me. Good luck!

Sending you hugs. I had two miscarriages like this last year and now 34 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. I’m sorry, but hoping it’s nothing to worry about xx

@Sophie thank you, I know it’s a miscarriage but I just don’t want to believe it. How long did it take you to fall pregnant again?x

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Unfortunately it has been confirmed a miscarriage, thank you for all ur advice x

@Khira I’m so sorry, I was rooting for you x if you need anything let me know 🥺

@Beatriz thank you so much xx

@Khira I’m so sorry for you loss only a message away x

So sorry for your loss! Praying for healing and healthy conception in your near future

@Khira I’m so sorry, I know it hurts. I remember last time the false hope when I knew something was wrong made it harder. When I’ve TTC the longest it’s taken me is two months. Because I had two in a row I waited for some test results before trying this time and when I did was prescribed progesterone and baby aspirin. Do message if you’d like too. Take care and time to process it xx

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