Early pregnancy scan question!

Hi, i have a private early scan booked for when i’m 6weeks 3days from my last period and nervous that they won’t be able to see anything yet or find a heartbeat. If you have one booked, how far along will you be when you have yours please? Anyone had one around 6 weeks and been able to see something/had a heartbeat? Also - my symptoms have calmed right down and now i don’t get much at all except occasional cramps - anyone else?! It makes me nervous that they’re not as strong as before but midwife wasn’t concerned… From a super anxious over-worrier😅
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Ohhh I have one booked for Saturday and will also be 6 weeks 3days!

I’m 6 days 2 and I only have cramps too and tiredness it’s so weird xx

My private early scan is booked for 7+4 but I’ve heard of others having earlier ones! Same on the symptoms! I didn’t expect to be this anxious from the get go either…

I had a scan at 7 weeks and they were able to see the heartbeat and hear it.

@Charlotte mine is Sat too 😀

@Zoe that makes me feel a bit better! I have constant anxiety if i don’t feel something then something must be wrong but it’s hard to train my brain to think positive! I expected loads more symptoms but never been pregnant before so nothing to go by!

@Hannah i take my hat off to anyone who can wait past 6 weeks - an extra week for me would be unbearable! But i do hear that 7-8 weeks is best for seeing something so makes sense! Me too - before i fell pregnant i thought i would be fine waiting until the 12 week scan… hahahaha 🤣 i’m a mug

@Peanut awww so we must be literally heading for the same due date then? I know it will change at the 12 week scan but we’re currently on 6th Feb! 🥰 I hope your scan goes well. I don’t expect to see a lot but just something even a dot where they can say yes that’s your baby we will be happy with to keep us going until the 12 week one ❤️

@Rebecca thank you for this! That makes me feel so much better. Can you hear the heartbeat or only see it? Must have been amazing 🥰 i’m counting down the days

@Charlotte according to my apps i’m 5th feb! Thank you, yours too 😀 I feel exactly the same, someone to just tell me yes you’re definitely pregnant and yes they’re healthy is all i need. Haven’t told anyone except my partner so being able to then have that reassurance to be able to tell our parents will be great 🫶

I waited till I was 8 weeks with my first x

I also only waited because so many people who had been for their scans earlier were told they had to book again for 2 weeks later so didn’t want that to happen as I was anxious enough 🙈

I’m gonna have a scan with nhs at 6 weeks 3 days they said they may hear the heartbeat but should see something and may be able to see the heart beating not 100% sure how true that is but I do know the baby will look like a bean lol

I had mine last week at 6 weeks and there was nothing there until the very last minute as we saw a little flicker Everyone’s scans are different, and it’s import to remember that it depends where the baby is sitting

@Amy oh amazing, how did you manage to get an nhs scan before 12 weeks? I hope you do manage to see the heart beat!

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@Charlotte i didn’t know this! Thank you ☺️

@Peanut if you’re high risk, you get a scan at 8 weeks. I’m diabetic so I got extra scans to ensure everything was growing properly x

Personally I would wait until 8 weeks. I got one around 6 weeks with my daughter. You could see a heartbeat. It was just to check that everything was in the right place. I had a nhs scan the week after so I wish I wasn’t so impulsive because I paid £110 for a scan with Harley street clinic. I would recommend window to the womb, they are amazing.

@Peanut you can’t hear it at first only see it, you’ll hear it at the 12 week scan though. I’m actually nearly 15 weeks and in the December group but this post came up on the explore section. Also about the symptoms I’ve barely had any so far apart from bloating, tiredness and until about 9 weeks really strong period style cramps. I had scans at 5+6, 8+3, 12, and next scan is Saturday at 15+2. I’m also a worrier lol Hope the wait goes quick for you!

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