@Amy hahahaha thank you SO MUCH for this - I got my f’s mixed up 🤣🤣 it’s a fibroid not a follicle 🤣🤦🏻♀️ can I claim pregnancy brain in my first trimester?
You absolutely can!! I don’t know much about fibroids, only cysts, but it’s good you’re being kept an eye on ❤️
I have a few fibroids with the largest being about 7-8cm and already look like I’m 20 weeks instead of 10 weeks. I’m yet to see the midwife(next week) but wouldn’t be alarmed if I’m being referred to the consultant too. Fibroids are very common among black women and must people I know have at least 1. Fibroids love an environment with rich blood supply and nutrients and may growth in size along with pregnancy, hence the possible reason for being cautious and letting a consultant handle things. However,if you didn’t notice until now that you have fibroids, it probably wasn’t causing you pain, heavy periods or bleeding which could happen with fibroids. Just trust them and ask questions from your care team. Would let you know when I see the midwife 💪🏾
@Naomi it hope this helps
@Missy thank you SO much this is super helpful!!! Really grateful for your response. I got a letter today booking me in for a telephone appointment with the consultant in September, so presumably they aren’t too concerned yet 😂 they won’t be able to see the fibroid through the phone 😂
Quick update @Naomi I have had my booking appointment and first scan. Midwife already recommended CLC because I’m classed high risk plus my fibroids are huge and there a loads of them. I currently look like I’m 7 months gone when it’s only 13weeks. People keep asking when I’m due when I’m not even halfway there. From the scan, baby was happy and tucked in one corner in my lower right. The fibroids have taken over my upper and mid region, hope they let my little peanut grow healthily. Sonographer also reckons that it would be CLC. The ladies at the desk were reluctant to book me in to the consultant but thankfully my midwife already put a referral through so I see the Oby/Gyn on the 16th of this month. I’m praying it all goes well.
A follicle or a cyst? Your follicles are usually in your ovaries?